Since 1967, student test scores have been falling rapidly. High school graduation rates are a manufactured mess with teachers pushing through students who can’t even read, much less go on to calculus and data analysis. 1967 was the year Johnson celebrated the Great Achievement: 37 million children were enrolled in elementary school, high school was 13.7 million and college was up to 6.5 million. What Happened?
1967 was also the same year that college degrees hit a peak high before falling led by math majors which began a downward trajectory. Math intensive subjects include: math, statistics, engineering, and1967
physical sciences. The Education system in place determined that to fix this differential, lowering the curriculum could artificially be imposed as a new base point.
It is also when feminism demanded women have equality even if they were mentally unequal. Lowering the bar. A bar that has been continually lowered every single year since. ‘When I was in school’; at 5 years in first grade we learned add, subtract, multiply and divide. Reading was The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew. Lengthy stories were written. French was taught. Multiplication is now a 3rd grade subject. Science engagement is 5th grade.
Why did education change? A variety of reasons include: 1) a focus on lowering academic standards to inflate graduation rates. 2) pressure by parents to grade easier. 3) fear over student ‘self-esteem’. 4) a shift prioritizing ‘social learning’ instead of rigorous academics. 5) political influence.
Social Learning was brought into the school systems via ‘psychologists’ who presented ‘behavior learning’ through just hanging out with others and learning by extension of the social contact. In other words, Learning was a behavior instead of an intellectual pursuit.
Home EC and Shop were eliminated from school curriculums labeled as being anti-feminism. And the concept of vaccine mandates for children became prevalent in what would evolve into Big Pharma.
Race riots dominated American cities. Vietnam took our students and sent them to war. Hippies brought drugs, free sex, and anti-school sentiment. Colleges began offering degrees in basket weaving to encourage enrollment, aka money. And the Jewish diaspora took over the entertainment industry.
American education began its long spiral into a world of burger flippers and basket weavers. Now we are faced with importing talent to fill the holes and rifts. The number of ‘bachelor’ degrees today in IT and Engineering is roughly 230,000. Of those, roughly 100,000 pursue a Masters. 15.3 million students were enrolled in college in 2023. 1.2% of students chose STEM.
DATA PROBLEM: there were 3 million students that graduated high school in 2023 – 60% enrolled in college = 1.8 million. One million college students are foreign born. Given a 5 year term to graduate with a bachelors degree, assuming -0- drop out rate, and 16% being older than high school (2.4 million) that would mathematically establish a total enrollment of just 10.24 million. Funny Numbers. MISSING on the Milk Carton – 5 million students.
This DATA reveals the fractured incompetency of our Data.
The argument of America First is thus revealed as a YUGE uphill battle and utilizing Musk and Ramaswamy to rehabilitate a failed institution is not about enriching themselves, abut about helping us – and we should be grateful! WE caused this – not them.
Today we have 32 million children enrolled in elementary school including all immigrant children, 5 million LESS than 1967. Where did they go? No babies. No births. No workers. No college STEM degrees. When arguing what happened to the whites, look at how many babies are born. Research the FACTS. Arguing against the importing of 65,000 Indians with degrees loses its edge immediately.
You want to reorganize the VISA program – FINE – but put it into perspective of who is going to fill the GAPS, the HOLES, so that businesses can become competitive on the world stage. Because right now – we aren’t.
Alas I learn most of what I post the day I research. That’s what makes it so fun!
The situation is much worse than your essay can describe here. Chris Rufo's book states that Marcuse's ideology entered our school system and is aptly destroying us from the inside:
Also, James Lindsay's book The Marxification of Education effectively criticizes our enemies.