In the 1930’s a Hungarian Israeli, Lichtenfeld, developed a form of martial art called Krav Maga. In the 1940’s he moved to Palestine and trained the IDF> In Hebrew, krav Maga means ‘contact combat’. It emphasizes: Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable points, such as: The eyes, neck or throat, face, solarplexus, groin, ribs, knee, foot, fingers, liver, etc.
It isn’t about self-defense, it is about incapacitating the enemy to permanently injure or cause death. Maga. When Lichtenfeld moved to Palestine he joined the Haganah Paramilitary organization. After WWII, the Haganah was instrumental in every conflict or war against the British and the Arabs. Earning it a designation as a terrorist organization. Until it merged with the IDF. The terrorist designation has been artfully removed from most MSM history to create an illusion of The True Nature of Khazarian ‘Jews’.
The Haganah sabotaged an ocean liner owned by the British, the Patria, which at the time was transporting 1800 Jews to Mauritius and accidentally sunk the ship. After the Zionists assassinated the British Minister of State for the Middle East in 1944 by members of Lehi, another Jewish terrorist organization, the Haganah worked with the British to wipe out the right wing underground Jews – their own people.
This is how they think. They have no honor toward their own – a Mafia Brotherhood ‘there is no honor among thieves and murderers’.
By 1945, three independent Jewish terrorist organizations combined forces to eradicate the British. Introduced illegal settlements, introduced illegal immigrants from Russia, Poland and Ukraine, and began the long arduous task of building-up war propaganda against any and all Arabs. “Not in your history books, no doubt”. By 1946, the budget of the Haganah was 3.3 million pounds = to roughly 17.3 billion pounds today or $22.6 billion.
David Ben Gurion became the Leader of the Haganah. Now called The Father of Israel. A blasphemy of God, The Father.
They were funded by Jewish gangs in the US, Jewish gangs in Poland, Soviet Union, Ukraine, and Britain. In other words – the entire Israeli diaspora is born of terrorism and Mafia Cartels. But it was not until they infiltrated Hollywood and later the Mass Media conglomerates did they flip the narrative and claim the Arabs were the terrorists. Their Protocol? Create blackmail to own everyone of power – including The Pope, his Cardinals and Priests.
Temptation. Priests became subject to their fantasies and fetishes – allowed, yet recorded for posterity and subservience. And within this deviance was born the pedophilia, abuse, torture, murder, and conveyance of children. The most vulnerable. The most horrific of crimes. At the hand of Zion. There is no way to give them wiggle room in this use of children to effectuate complete power control. This is the ‘basis’ for their blackmail. Children. Epstein was/is Jewish.
They will willingly justify the murder of their own. As in the Negev Festival. Palestinians sought to kidnap – Jews sought death of everyone – and thus carpet bombed the youth. Sacrifices to create a justification. This cannot be overstated or understated, and we are now well aware our Christian politicians are fully indentured servants due to their proclivity to assault – children - without regard to anything but – self.
And perhaps it is no coincidence that Maga Trump has a particular penchant to remove all traffickers from existence.
Putin is forced to sacrifice his men to protect the ‘Whole’. A Gestalt war. In this sense War becomes a necessity even for a Libertarian. Because this depth of evil would have annihilated all Russians without a fragment of grief. And yet, by contrast, Putin remains stoic in his attempt to protect Ukrainian civilians.
The difference. Our entire political system has been ‘couped’, we are not ruled by a President or Prime Minister, we are ruled by genocidal cowards. The larger question is whether America was ever a true Republic of good men. Death is simply another Power.
I was asked what could possibly cause these politicians, businessmen, entertainers, Bankers, etc… to bow? Blackmail is the perversity. It gives you the ability to OWN a person. IF that blackmail were to be exposed, the Power vacuum would collapse. Rescuing victims of trafficking has its obvious benefits, but taking out the Blackmailer(s) is the only means to end the cycle.
When we see photographs of Hunter Biden, imagine similar or worse being released that reveal EVERYONE who feigns power. Our entire government and military would collapse. Sports. Hollywood. Banks. Hedge Funds. The Blackmail is so Diverse we cannot even imagine. It Controls – EVERYTHING.
Are their good men who would be willing to govern America? Because they too would be subjected to temptation. We know our churches focus on the LGBT community obsessively, but why? Because 75% of men indulge in porn. That porn may include children, teens, and boys… It is a classic money motive of the church; attack those who are not within the sacred walls and you retain the congregation and hence their money.
Are there good men willing to be tempted to extreme? TO be a president, entertainer, athlete, you have to be a narcissist. Like everything, narcissists’ have degrees within the label. The Blackmail is injected in those who have lost their basic values. And when that happens they can no longer rule, they become obsessed with their fetishes and the blackmail simply increases, while a handler is inserted to make the decisions and rule. I wonder why Bezos had his 417 foot super yacht built with capacity for18 passengers – 40 crew.
Is Trump being blackmailed? I don’t know. No one does. What we do know is that the Israeli Mossad sought to assassinate him twice that we know of. I imagine that is quite a life changer.
This Election will prove pivital. The Democrat goal is full communism. Soviet Russia was a Blueprint. The Protocols are Real. AI will be utilized to the nth degree to incite and destroy.
Reading Suarez on this very subject now.