OVER 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. Abortions are a commodity created to harvest limbs, tissue and cells. To transport trafficked children en mass, they are drugged. Once surrendered to the buyer, their fate is far worse than death. IF the National Guard and mercenaries fighting in wars were instead deployed to fight to free trafficked children – the industry would collapse. IF abortions were illegal, abortion clinics would have to go underground. The industry would collapse due to the heightened risk of criminal punishment making the cost unreachable.
The life expectancy of a trafficked child is 7 years. At which point they become disposable. The United States has the highest rate of any country across the globe. California has the highest percentage of trafficked children in the US – the vast majority coming from border influx. The FBI is in charge of trafficking in the US. But NGO Rescue Operations are a critical component.
What happens to children after they are rescued?
A success story is rescuing 60 per year out of an estimated 110,000 per year in the US. Epstein was a trafficker. While he was suicided, his operation didn’t die, it was merely shifted to a different command center. During the Franklin Scandal, the children would be flown to Texas ranches for ‘parties’. The people who want these children are typically quite wealthy and use mercenaries for protection.
There is a bounty of laws that supposedly give rights to children, but laws don’t protect against the bad guys. Just like guns. The UN puts out proclamations. The Hague. The Protocols. The conventions. The fight. Yet every year, without exception the numbers grow.
Historically, children were trafficked, sold, simply for money due to poverty. This continues throughout some parts of Africa and the Middle East. While the buyers reasons vary widely from sexual exploitation, to adenochrome, to organ transplants, Big Pharma uses trafficked children for drug trials. And law enforcement turns its back. Like the Epstein Scandal. Like the Franklin Scandal.
The creative nature of child trafficking is much more recent. Sometimes large numbers are transported by semi-trucks, sometimes by private planes, and sometimes via ‘super yachts’. We know who own these as does law enforcement - paid to do nothing. The WHY becomes prominent. WHY would someone traffic children? Why would a person want to ‘play’ with children? WHY does Oprah think children love to be sexually exploited?
Is it a brain malfunction? “Some studies of pedophilia in child sex offenders have correlated it with various neurological abnormalities and psychological pathologies”. So, why is it so prevalent – now? If in fact there is a neurological abnormality link, what would create the disease?
An NIH study states, “Overall, brain imaging studies have revealed a widespread dysfunctional brain activity mainly encompassing the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes.” If the cause is a brain abnormality, this would explain why psychiatric treatments, drugs, etc… have little impact on recidivism. What would cause the brain abnormality to suddenly become a dominant link?
The NIH study ultimately concluded they didn’t have enough evidence to assert with precision a frontal lobe abnormality because pedophiles tended to have various regions of the brain diseased… Thus making it incurable. According to Science everything is incurable – aka the common cold. So back to the point – what causes brain abnormalities?
Exposure to certain drugs, radiation and chemicals while pregnant. Drugs refers to street drugs which would be associated with addicts. However, the list of Chemicals that can damage a developing brain include: lead, methylmercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, arsenic, toluene, manganese, fluoride, chlorpyrifos, DDT, tetrachloroethylene, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers.
In Pompeii, it has been asserted that the people had been subjected to large amounts of lead due to their living habits which may have contributed to their overly expansive use of brothels.
Methylmercury: a highly toxic compound that is emit into the air and environment via soil bacteria and coal plants.
Polychlorinated biphenyls: Man-made PCB’s. While no longer produced, they remain in the environment forever.
Arsenic: Released into the environment via mining, agriculture and industrial processes.
Toluene: A product used extensively in nail polish, ink, paint, paint thinner, glues, rubber etc…
Manganese: As an industrial alloy it is toxic when inhaled.
Chlorpyrifos: An insecticide.
Tetrachloroethylene: A solvent used as a degreaser.
Polybrominated diphenyl ethers: A flame retardant used in furniture, carpet, mattresses, and clothing.
FLUORIDE: A chemical that causes tooth decay and discoloration. It also is front and center a causal factor in: Skeletal weakness, neurological disorders, high blood pressure, acne and seizures. And BINGO: Fluoride not only affects bone and teeth, but it also impacts young children in the development of the brain. Exposure to fluoride before birth could lead to poorer cognitive outcomes in the future. Higher levels of fluoride lead to low scores in IQ tests.
While nearly ALL these chemicals are unnecessary – fluoride use has literally dummied down America while adversely affecting every preborn child ‘s brain development. Possibly leading to Tim Walzism. Japan and China do not fluoridate their drinking water, most of Europe does not, while 70% of water in the US is fluoridated.
FYI: How to Detox Fluoride from your liver where it builds up: powerful liver detox methods include: intermittent fasting, liver supporting supplements such as milk thistle, turmeric, chlorella, and activated charcoal. Diet: parsley, coriander, turmeric, meat, spinach and bone broth.
thank you - definitely worthy of further research - specifically who and when the practice evolved...
Want to know a primary reason that makes sense of why American men are rated as the highest in child trafficking and pornography? I invite you to read a recently published book, "Please Don't Cut the Baby, by Marilyn Milos, the mother of the NOCIRC movement that she began in the 1980s, motivated by witnessing a circumcision as a student nurse and was told by the doctor doing the cutting that "there was no medical reason for this surgery." This book provides extensive information of how circumcision became an American Medical ritual, some religious history, along with an exact description of the medical procedure of how our little boys within days after their birth are mutilated by the surgery called circumcision. I was shocked to learn the procedure begins with stimulating an erection on the newborn and then details of the rest of the cutting procedure as soon as the erection is reached. In other words the first experience of our male's sensual arousal is immediately followed by excruciating genital pain all done to them legally without a second thought and considered normal. As a social psychologist it makes sense to me there is a perverse message in this considered social norm to our boys that become men that message is, it is OK to inflict brutal abuse on a child. Maylin's book can be ordered at intactamerica.org along with another book called, This Penis Business, that shares how the sensitive foreskins our newborn boys are harvested and sold to companies for facial creams, etc, etc, etc.