The IDF has tortured and raped children, women and men for decades and not one country has had the integrity to call them out. Enablers. They have been formally ‘condemned’ as in wrist slap, but nothing akin to what should be murder charges. According to the World Population Review, the country with the highest rate of trafficking is – America. Why? Because, traffickers need to be well funded and that money comes from the wealthiest on down to millionaires. A bidding war for the youngest and prettiest – boys and girls. The Youngest save for last as the crème de la crème.
In Palestine, if a child throws a rock at an IDF tank – that child is either shot or arrested. The ensuing torture if arrested is near death. Once arrested and released, the child is subject to re-arrest 67% of the time for blinking wrong speak. That re-arrest will likely involve rape – humiliation and torture. Everyone knows. And everyone turns away. WHY? For decades, the world of intel and government officials have known this and done absolutely – NOTHING.
In Africa, children are sold as ‘the one to support – the many’. A child will be sacrificed so that the other 5 can be fed. And despite endless NGO’s, Charities, and Governments supposedly spending trillions – it has not abated poverty because poverty provides an inventory of human flesh. As a result, poverty and trafficking is a growing enterprise of immense profit margins every year. WHY?
How is it that the CIA, the FBI, MI6, the Bundestag, the 17 government intel agencies, the National Guard, etc… never curtail this tragedy of children? Are the Cartels smarter – more sophisticated than every military establishment in the WORLD? Or are they subsidiaries of The Cartel?
It is like Big Pharma that never develops a CURE. This is the illusionary mirage – an endless nothingness.
On the World Stage, in Jewish traditions – it is considered legal to traffic and rape as long as the child is not Jewish. Israel. A single child can generate as much a $20,000 per day. There are no ‘weekends’, no holidays, no Christmas, no easter egg hunts. No spring breaks. No summer camping trips! Only a gruel that lasts as long as the child is still considered profitable.
The youngest demand the most and have included infants. Clients are provided videos of their experience to relive every day after. To entice them to another ‘party’ – to arouse the need to experience again. Not just as a form of blackmail but to ensure a lifelong client.
The IDF, formed from a designated ‘terrorist group’ as recognized by the UN, is not just a client but ‘a source’. This status as both client and vendor is what has sustained Israel from global prosecution. World Leaders FEAR Israel. Retribution is exact and tortuous in nature. Families are threatened. Their children a designate point of no return.
The easiest prey are those children decimated by war – their families murdered, their status as humans decimated. This is what war provides – human meat. Throughout the Biden Administration over 50,000 immigrant children crossing the border have ‘disappeared’. The real number is likely triple that or more.
The UN ‘Peacekeepers”? “Ukraine trainloads of unsold ‘grain’ that Poland refuses to allow shipment thru their country? The CIA transporting clients to Epstein Island. The UK refusing to prosecute anyone in the Jimmy Savile trafficking criminal operation for decades. The Daddy Bush implication in the Franklin Scandal of ‘boystown’ taken to Texas Ranches for party favors…. Decades and decades have passed and perhaps 30 – 50 are rescued per year… out of millions.
CHILDREN. Children….
Organizations rise and ask for money to ‘fight’ but the reality is – the only way to fight the child trafficking is to round up the clients. Why were Epstein’s clients never prosecuted, revealed, by our US Government? Because our US Government is complicit. Because Israel is complicit. Wealthy clients are the only ones who can pay the going rate! Follow the wealth – Oprah, Diddy, Weinstein, Epstein, Clinton, etc…
When was the last time you heard a Politician from any country claim they were going to eradicate Child Trafficking? Instead, we send our military, our National Guard, to foreign countries to incite coups and wars. Which creates more orphans. More victims to be abused. To be raped and tortured and discarded. Dumped in the ocean. Shark feed.
Instead, our respective governments have focused more on creating an existential pool of children via mass illegal immigration. Coups and Election Fraud – assures this continuance. What happens to the few who are rescued? How do you extract the memories, the caustic torture and fear?
While the global governments continue to decry the psychotic evil perpetrated by Netanyahu – no one dares to stop him. Cowards. Condemnation is NOT action against a mass murderer! A murderer who has extended his self-righteous death march across Gaza, to The West Bank, to Golan Heights, to Syria, to Yemen, to Lebanon, to Iran. Annexing entire countries as he marches!
While Children are TARGETED! Because if there are no children, there is no more ‘breeding’ of non-Jews.
Africa is constantly under warfare. Who created these war Lords? The depopulationists. TO confiscate the diamonds, the gold, the oil, whatever has monetary value. Depopulation and wealth confiscation – from South America, to Africa, to the North Americas, to Europe.
The End Game. Russia and China are extreme targets for retribution; Russia’s resources, and China’s dense population prohibit the Deep State from achieving their goals. Am I over stating reality? I am likely understating by Manifolds. Liberals and Rhino’s alike in Congress are blackmailed over their fetishes. They refuse to acknowledge that raping children is heinous. According to Epstein, the Director General – is the Mossad. Is that why they are targeting Matt Gaetz?
We need this awakening. We need to CRY. TO motivate. TO NOT allow this perversity of normality. Netanyahu is targeting schools, residential blocks, anywhere – CHILDREN are susceptible for permanent elimination from Earth. And if governments across the globe can only make ‘condemnations’ – God’s Children will declare war on us ALL.
Guilty As Charged!
I find it very revealing that the names have been revealed here and elsewhere many, many times over -- Orpah, the Clintons, the Weinsteins and the Epstein's of the world, the P Diddy … and not one site has been sued for defamation. Why? These beings without souls … without hearts … without humanity … don't want to risk a trial that would expose them to the world -- as well as the enormous amounts it would cost them if it did.
And, as an aside -- why is it that wherever and whenever someone is being harmed or degraded for a profit -- it's a jew who's raking in the profit?
Keep up the good work, Helena … I hope that you never have a target on your back …
As an extraordinary woman once told me -- be happy, be strong, and be positive.
Ciao, dear lady …
Thank you.
We will be maligned, dear sister, for truth-telling, but we had the courage to speak up about something that is Beyond evil.
Every human on this planet who knows or suspects even one child being abused and does not at least in the silence of their hearts invoke divine justice on these creatures is complicit.
Even as I type this there’s always the threat of, say, being debanked hanging over my head. But I shall NEVER submit or be complicit to evil !!!!!!!