In the most simplistic equal world there would be no Kings and Queens, no Larry Finks and Zuckerberg, there would be no Klaus Schwab, UN or NATO. No wars. The People would rule themselves. There would be no taxes, no welfare, no government at all. In a simplistic equality. So why have the Zionists made equality their weapon?
For Money. The Money-Lenders.
Again, my lovely conversation with what is now 400 Liberals regarding rules for children is out of control - mimicking the wails and screams of peoples in Hell. –Rules are now parlayed as ‘Child Abuse”. A good ‘critical thinker’ would allow their child(ren) to run amok because punishment for disobeying rules is abusive - ` they say'. Prisoners should all be let loose to do whatever they want – because rules are abusive. And everyone is equal.
This ideology is not defined in socialism or Marxism or even communism – this is a whole new Roman Empire conflation. From a Biblical standpoint it would involve Nineveh meets Klaus Schwab.
So, let’s rest in the extant of rewritten history and consider places we might not like to go. IF Jews were never mentioned in the Bible well into the 17th century, do Jews Exist? Or are they the Bible’s ‘Money Lenders’? The money lenders were referred to in the Bible as the ‘Robbers’. Jesus expelled the money-lenders. They hated Him.
The money changers were there to convert various currencies into one standard coinage, the Tyrian shekel, which was used for the payment of the annual temple tax. (much like today's digital currency agenda as pushed by - Jews). Both the selling of animals for sacrifices and the payment of the temple tax were activities required by law and central to the temple’s functions. Jesus’ reaction was to state he would destroy this temple.
It is believed that the money lenders came from what is now North Africa – which at the time was the Roman Empire, Egypt and various Berber tribes who were at war with Rome. When the Berbers were destroyed by Rome in 14 AD, a direct consequence of the war was the registration of the entire Tunisian plateau for land taxation. The Berbers are regarded as Arabs today.
When the Roman Empire collapsed, the money lenders migrated to the Middle East.
The usury rate of the ‘Money Lenders’ was purportedly 24% to as much as 48% - always divisible by 12 ‘months’. The concept of "interest" itself derived from the Roman legal term "interesse" which meant compensation for delayed payment. With the ascension of Christianity usury was prohibited thus the money lenders created a new ‘religion’.
Today those usury rates are called Micro Loans. The World Bank hosts the various Banker entities in collecting usury rates across Africa in order to maintain poverty. The UN operates to ‘maintain’ poverty. NATO operates to destroy peaceful prosperity... The US is being subjugated into poverty by the Jew Diaspora Roman. This usury is why throughout history the “Jews” have been ostracized and demonized. This victimhood was built on money lending and usury – something that is never discussed when anti-semitism is levied. It was not an arbitrary infliction. The Jews were raping economies – and became the pariah. Constantly being rejected by host countries.
So this time – they created a ‘Victimhood’ concept that would guarantee their status no matter what they did – a Holocaust.
They monopolized the media to assure that victimhood was ALWAYS directed at Jews and no other equal ethnicity. This self-absorption is a product of narcissism - of claiming to be God's chosen people - the same people who denied Jesus ... Rational Thinking. In essense, these Romans assassinated God's son and declared themselves special in the eyes of God.
The Jews as a religion or a race don’t exist. According to an article published by NIH in 2014, “Genetic Markers Cannot Determine Jewish Descent”. And, “Thus, in spite of considerable consanguinity, there is no Jewish genotype to identify.”
There is no JEW. They don’t exist in human markers. Per NIH. They are the Romans who marauded Jesus because their money lending practices were being usurped by Jesus. So they turned Him over to the soldiers and denied His existence.
The article was written by Raphael Fark – published, January 21, 2015. “Humans differentiate, classify, and discriminate: social interaction is a basic property of human Darwinian evolution. Presumably inherent differential physical as well as behavioral properties have always been criteria for identifying friend or foe.”
Translation: A diaspora of Romans were expelled and migrated. They took on a new identity to protect them from being hunted. Jews are not Israelites. They are not Semites. They are simply a non-race of Romans that has not been identified to belong to – any genetic species.
I don't think Christ said render unto Caesar, those words were put in Christ mouth by liers.What Christ did say was "ye devour widow's houses" with property tax and usury. I agree with no "jews" it is a fake word to hide behind. Your article calls them a diaspora of romans hiding behind the fake name "jews" is compelling. Thanks
I am guessing that you've heard of Joseph Farrell? His book, "Banksters of Babylon" traces the origins of "usury", debt slavery, etc back to Babylon. The premise of "Fractional Reserve" banking and interest on loans is another example of black magick as well. I have been examining the roots of the pyramid scheme for the last 20 years-triggered by 9/11. Something fishy about that particular 'event'...I smelled something rotten; and this sort of rank odor usually leads to the primary motives behind the darkest events we've seen throughout history: wealth & power. Once any member of the ruling Bloodlines realizes that they will never run out of moolah, 'power' becomes the popular game (example: Alex Soros). It's a Game of Thrones matrix we are dealing with in terms of the Power-grid. pax