There appear to be largess discrepancies between Kamala’s ‘rally venues’ and reality. The latest in Wisconsin at the Alliant Energy Center is most blatant: The colosseum that hosts concerts and the 10,000 seating arrangement is depicted with an enormous stage with seating in a half circle to the front. EVERY video of Kamala at the event reveals a handful of people sitting ‘behind her’ and never pans to the audience. Why? Because her rallies are actually held in a CIA stage set courtesy of Hollywood. Canned Sound! Action! Voice Over! GO!
The CIA was notorious in using these Hollywood sets during their bombing campaign against Assad in Syria promoting dead children, the use of chemical weapons, the allegation of 'torture'. Only they cheaped out and began using the same child for different scenes. Clothes were immaculate – brand new shoes - undeterred by the obvious dust and dirt that had turned cities into rubble – courtesy of Obama.
The CIA was repeatedly called out as fake. And the same campaign is being used to ‘create’ Kamala who can’t muster more than a busload or two of paid vagrants. In FACT every rally uses the same Hollywood stage set, wherein the 20+ attendees appear a few feet from Kamala – and always behind her.
When the Media provide a gloss over AI image of the supposed attendees – they are ALWAYS indistinguishable AI crowds or a photoshop of indistinguishable with a bold photoshop of Kamala in front – as though walking the aisles. But Every Coliseum is configured the same – stage in the back with a semicircle of seating. EXCEPT when Kamala speaks from the Hollywood stage. As the saying goes - "Once you see it you can't unsee it'! It is obvious.
One such event in North Carolina was a jam fest with traffic warnings for hours! She spoke sometime after 4:30 and by 5pm the media claimed the stadium was obviously empty as they championed her vast crowd. What these Concert venues do not advertise is campaign rallies - they are concert venues.
While the Harris Campaign might have been able to slide with these anomalies one or two times, the fact is they never vary from the same stage set - EVER. The media is more than willing to comply with the CIA mandates and pretend that reality is a matrix for fear of losing their jobs. For example; the debate interviewers were reportedly paid an additional $1million each to sell their souls. In a war torn American economy, the carrot of MONEY goes a long way in securing lies.
In Syria, the White Helmets were the predominant focus of the greenscreen phenomena. Always immaculate in their white helmets and garb as they rescued children from the bombed Rubble. The purpose was to generate emotional responses so as to demonize the purported ‘enemy’. To rally a common hatred of ‘The Enemy’. Classic techniques used by the CIA literally since its inception via Alan Dulles.
Kamala’s ‘rallies’ are meant to give rise to ‘emotional fear’. A fear of what Trump will do. A Fear of Reprisal. A fear of Laws, justice, criminality. And a savior - As thou she speaks like a Buddhist monk - a spiritual advisor. Always focused on the emotional to undermine Trump. Afterward, the paid Twitter pundits upload fake videos and photos to support the deviant propaganda to demoralize Trump/Maga voters into thinking a Trump presidency is a lost cause.
The alignment of the neo-Conservative hawks and the progressive liberals is accomplished via the CIA and Mossad cooperation. We cringe at the torture Israeli interrogations and prisons adopt. Classic renditions of the methods documented by the Bolshevik Red Terror imposed on Russians. But we still turn a blind eye to the enhanced torture imposed by our own government in North Carolina and other facilities across the US and within other countries, including: Afghanistan, Lithuania, Morocco, Poland, Romania, and Thailand.
Torture we were taught was justified. Levied against a common enemy created by the Bolsheviks to once and for all eliminate the real Semites
There are zero pictures outside of 8-10 years ago
Hey Fans... Being the human that I am - it is my birthday - I had a fabulous time with my SONS - and then left my phone oat my oldest son's home! Accidentally. I have no phone - no landline. A fun sprint into reality!