DNA and the misnomers: DNA was first discovered in 1869 by Friedrich Meischer via nucleic acid found in white blood cells. In 1953, Miescher’s work was expanded James Watson and Francis crick to further divide the nuclein protein and label it a means of identifying heredity. According to NIH, DNA has an ‘estimated’ half life of 521 years, with most DNA dissolved by 150 years post death.
Given that no one knew it existed before the discovery, the inherited function began as of that date forward – not backward which has been artificially used as the basis of finding ancestors. Ancestry DNA does not exist for the purpose of comparisons. DNA is also the basis used to date Neanderthals – claiming they became extinct 40,000 years ago.
“The earliest known examples of Neanderthal-like fossils are around 430,000 years old”. There is no DNA in a fossil ~ NIH. The recreation of the life of a Neanderthal is based on comic book science: “Neanderthals lived in a high-stress environment with high trauma rates; about 80% of Neanderthal individuals died before the age of 40. The total population of Neanderthals remained low, and interbreeding with modern humans tended toward a loss of Neanderthal genes over time.” Every single word of this hypothesis is based on zero actual scientific evidence. They are stories.
The fossils of ‘Neanderthals’ are superimposed on modern skeletons to replicate humans with only bits and pieces of the actual fossils. Preservation of fossils in cold dry ice can lengthen the time frame for finding DNA – but that has not been the case with Neanderthal scraps. Scientists still use radio carbon dating and radiation to date the strats of caves and conclude the bones are as old as the cave.
Scientists have speculated on finding fossilized skulls wherein the head is extended considerably beyond that of a normal human skull. Conspiracies claim these skulls represent an alien species – while science claims that the skulls were artificially elongated as some beautification ideal. Yet, the skull of the Neanderthal is remarkedly similar.
There is a tribe in the Congo that manipulates the skull by squeezing pressure that begins at birth. The belief is a mimicry of ancient times wherein elongated skulls were related to higher intellect. The Mangbetu tribe is dated to 1000AD. However, this artificial elongation technique has been found in skulls across America, Asia, Australia and Europe as well. Not all skulls discovered are artificially elongated – some, like Neanderthals – are a normal genetic trait.
But the obvious case for ‘coincidence’ is wholly speared.
The idea that Neanderthals were unevolved, ape like, and unintelligent is based on a simplistic ego that every subsequent century produces a higher intellectual being. Proving once again that science has nothing to do with empirical evidence and everything to do with philosophy based lies to bury truths. But not without a few rebuking the narrative.
In the Descent of Man, Darwin argues that Neanderthals were not humans’ ancestors and noted their skull size proved a level of high intelligence that humans did not possess. Then in 2014, Scientists at Boulder’s University declared that there is no evidence Neanderthals were dimwitted and the conventional belief was hogwash. Unfortunately, the same scientists create a new version of nonevidential thought and claim the Neanderthals ate peas and used ochre to paint themselves…
What killed the Neanderthals is the enduring question:
Between 1953 and 1960, the Shanidar Cave in Iraq was excavated. The site yielded one of the largest samples of Neanderthal fossils found anywhere in the world. The fossils were buried 45 feet beneath the caves floor. This could indicate a slew of alternatives including; the cave collapsed inside itself due to a catastrophic external event, or perhaps the cave was filled with water and the bones carried there from elsewhere.
Iraq today sits between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. According to AI, the Persian Gulf was formed during the Great Flooding, 10,000 years ago. The same flooding that covered the land bridge between Russia and Alaska.
The Denisova Cave in Siberia also housed ‘Neanderthal’ bones as identified by extracting DNA from soil samples inside the cave. The extrapolation being that earth has remained unmoving and dormant for 10,000 years. The cave sits 92 ft above the right bank of the Anuy River. A topography that has changed constantly.
In 1533, a Portuguese ship set sail from Lisbon never to be seen again. In 2008 the was located in the southwest desert of Namibia. There were no human remains, bones or any evidence that anyone was aboard. Among the gold and other artifacts that remained intact – the ship had a time capsul. The ship is in the desert located near Oranjemund and a DeBeers diamond mine about 5 miles from the coast. There was a wealth of gold still intact on board.
Archeologists and scientists never seem to take into consideration the constant changing of land masses and waters over the thousands of years that moved and shifted thus making a discovery today in any one particular place an impossible task to decipher origins. Entire cities have been located under seas and under oceans. Constantly altering the degradation of bones, tools, and stone.
Over the last few years, scientists have surreptitiously altered timelines. The Bering Straight that closed off the land bridge between Russia and Alaska si no longer a 25,000 to 40,000 point in history, it is now 10,000 years ago, roughly the same time frame as the Biblical flooding. The Persian Gulf was formed not 40,000 years ago but 10,000 years ago after the Great Flooding. And then in 2005, soft tissue was found preserved in the hindleg of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. While controversial due to the science community not too keen on being completely disproven by a Christian woman who made the discovery – the estimate is that the dinosaur fossils were 10,000 years old.
Excellent essay Helena. So much has been hidden in all ar4as of life. Political, historical, medical, scientific, anthropological, theological you name it. It's time for the masses to learn all that's been hidden. It's the only way we can go forward. We need to put our big boy and big girl pants on and accept and deal with whatever is revealed.