The Rothschild Economist has declared the Ukraine war a failure. Instead of calling for a rational peace agreement, they are calling for a restructuring of the war and NATO membership. Hurricane Helene is being whispered to be a geoengineered catastrophe. Netanyahu has declared war on the Middle East and a dockworkers strike has gone forward. The October surprise is the death of America’s Economy.
And the White House Handlers are behind each one of these events.
In perusing some the Federal Government Balance Sheets I noticed that audits routinely declared massive ‘deficiencies’. Meaning irregularities. Potential fraud. Meaning the BANK is empty. The Department of Homeland Security which includes FEMA devoted 13 pages of their annual report to these irregularities. The Deficiency section of the audit reveals some were noted as far back as 2003 with a projected correction of 2028… The magic year.
Many of the agencies reveal a NET Asset position that grows each year – meaning they are not using the budgetary funds allocated to them – or they are misleading valuations. Example: DHS Net Assets = $145 billion. DOT Net Assets = $277 Billion. The DOT’s Budget for 2024 is $108.5 billion with a ‘guaranteed contingency’ of $36.8 in advance appropriations for a total of $145.3 Billion. DHS Budget is $107.9 billion which includes $62.2 billion in ‘discretionary spending’. The discretionary spending conveniently included an increase in FEMA of 10% or $33.1 Billion – ironically, the ‘estimated cost of Hurricane Helene’ – submitted months ago.
QUITE a coincidence.
What is Discretionary Funding? It is money that can be spent elsewhere instead of on the agencies mandatory expenses… such as defense and foreign aid, aka war. 60% of the Budget for DHS is ‘Discretionary’ – meaning it does not benefit American Taxpayers. It also aligns with Deficit Spending which has now reached roughly 40% of revenue. Not including the Pentagon fiasco on a GDP ratio of 137%.
The Pentagon is awarding contracts that can’t be fulfilled until 2035 including a $6.9 billion contract with Boeing for Bombs to be delivered to Bulgaria, Ukraine, and Japan. A $9 billion contract for cloud-computing to be shared by Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Oracle thru 2028.
As Israel ramps up a WWIII, the US has supported and aided every assault taken by the Zionists against the Middle East. Austin announced more US troops to be deployed into the regions Netanyahu is bombing. Similar moves that FDR made in the induction of US troops in WWII. There are now upwards of 45,000 US troops deployed to ‘defend Israel’ in its campaign of genocide.
With a military that is deficient, wholly untrained, and incompetent, lacking in inventory, short supplies of chips necessary for all weapons, and with Petroleum Reserves at nearly half of capacity, The Power Cartel is fomenting simultaneous wars in the Middle East, China and Russia. Knowing it will lose. Canada and most EU countries are in technical recessions. The US is printing so much money the largest foreign Treasury holder, Japan, will economically collapse when the dollar spirals to Germany 1929 levels.
1923, the German government devalued currency in order to support printing more war money. The hyperinflation was first triggered by the French-Belgium occupation of the German Industrial District. While Germany was making progress with inflation the French and Belgium’s conspired to collapse the value of the mark. JP Morgan Jr. organized the coup.
Both WWI and WWII were largely financed by JP Morgan. As the ‘purchasing agent’ for governments, JP Morgan took a 1% cut. After the US government watched JP Morgan’s WWI accomplishments, he was named a member of the advisory council for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York by FDR.
Today, BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street are the financing tools on behalf of Israel and Ukraine thru their dominant ownership of the top 5 weapons companies: Lockheed – YTD shares + 33%, Raytheon – YTD up 46%, Boeing – piece of crap, Northrup Grumman – YTD shares up 16%, and General Dynamic – YTD up 18%.
When the US becomes overwhelming indebted to these investment companies – they will effectively own the “government” . Given the largest shareholders of each of these Investment companies own each other – the consolidation is complete. The more wars, the more money needed to fight the wars. And once again the USURY LENDING wins.
Sorry to say it’s no surprise…
I am always hopeful...