Red Lines are a ‘do not cross boundary’ established by most countries to protect their sovereignty. Globalization was instrumental in creating red lines as every country was supposed to submit to a singular standard. Those countries which refused became fodder for – coup demarcations. The West is obsessed with demonizing government systems – sometimes rightfully, sometimes not. Unfortunately, in so doing, the West ignores its own egregious, genocidal behavior by distracting via another country’s egregious behavior.
It is the same behavioral model employed by liberals on ‘X’. The problem lies when intervention is employed using the justification that a specific country is violating human rights. The Problem? Every country violates Human Rights. Including every single western country. The differential? The West is the only country to intervene under this banner.
Like the CIA, the Mossad operates across Africa, South America, Asia and the Middle East to destabilize regions via mercenary terrorists. The method is largely a model used by The Mafia. “We own the neighborhood. You do what we tell you. You pay us a fee. And as long as you obey – we won’t destroy you”. New York was the global capital of the Mafia at one time. Big business. Lot’s of money to be had.
Enter the CIA and Mossad. They became the Mafia’s Head. The top of the pyramid. With Israel destroying the Middle East, the CIA focused on Pakistan, China and Ukraine. Territory was divvied. When old alliances suddenly install a new PM or President who dares to defy the Order, the country becomes fodder for destabilization.
Georgia’s old western proxy was ousted in a vote for the new President who is not keen on EU membership – and instead favors BRICS and Russia. As a result, the CIA orchestrated what may result in an Orange Revolution similar to Ukraine’s in 2014. Syria was playing hop-scotch with Iran and Russia, therefore Israel sent in their tried and true – el Nusra mercenaries. Pakistan’s preferred leader, Imran Kahn, was jailed because he favored sovereignty over US rule.
The West is in a free fall and wants to make sure everyone goes down in flames with it!
The Deep State Cartel is looking to beef up it’s deflated ego having lost America and Russia, the two countries Soros vowed he would personally destroy from – within. The only way to stop the CIA is to de-legitimize them as a government agency. They could still operate with dark money – but their protection would be severed. They would become an open target by any country without fear of reprisal.
NGO’s operate as the administrators of the CIA. Mercenaries operate as the terrorists for the NGO’s. Defunding them all – separating their operating status from the government would be their death blow. All mercenaries are paid for by their respective government. The US is no stranger to this fact.
Mercenaries are created by the Military. Their resumes are typically impressive; Green Beret, Special Ops, Rangers, etc… International law prohibits the use of mercenaries in armed conflicts which has deterred – no one. Their companies advertise themselves as legitimate ‘negotiators’. But the fact remains, war is life on earth. And it pays well.
Trump’s nomination to be CIA Director, John Ratcliffe, has ingratiated himself among many within the Deep State, including Hillary Clinton. Having failed to be approved by the senate in 2019, he has made a number of enemies along the way and seems unfazed by their threats. His endorsements have included Ron Paul. Whether he can drill through the brick wall the CIA has established for itself, would be his purported operational command.
Opening the CIA’s mainframe and backdoor black books and handing them to Musk and Ramaswamy is the task. I would imagine a long line of resignations will be forthcoming to preserve against jail time. Either way, the world will be better off! NEXT UP – The Mossad.
Hardliner, Massad Boulos, of Greek and Lebanese heritage has been given the Middle East advisory role for Trump. A Deal Maker and an advocate of Peace, Boulos is well respected among Middle East countries. With lifetime politicians Rubio and Huckabee attending to Israel, Boulos background in business and détente will hopefully contain the misplaced Christian War Mongers who still believe Jews are The Chosen People.
Makes sense.