American dictators are suddenly awakening to the reality that the US is no longer the Gatekeeper. Blinken was tasked with a global tour to rekindle the romance. He failed. Too much reality – not enough illusion. The last vestige of American dominance is based on a defenseless Europe and a Treasury indebted Japan. Not a strong resilient force to eradicate wars in Palestine, Lebanon and Sudan – all fomented by Western governments.
The uprisings in Sudan centralize around the demand for ‘secularism’. The Israeli wars are consistent with the elimination of religion, including Christianity which once thrived in Palestine and was thriving in Lebanon. Circle = secularism/communism.
When the Bolsheviks took down Russia and China in hard coups 1916, they also began their infiltration into the US and EU – domination being the goal – a soft coup. They believed then as they do now that they are the Gatekeepers of earth.
Who Are The Gatekeepers?
Bible: The Bible used the term in various manners across different passages, referring to the Gatekeepers as guards to keep out the unclean – as the Gates of heaven – and the gates of Hades. Keeping certain people out as well as within. Christ referred to himself as the Gate to Heaven.
They were also called The Watchmen. In Ezekiel, The Watchmen were in charge of warning people of coming strife or war. Like church leaders, they were given a specific task and if they failed their punishment would be greater than an ordinary man.
Government/CIA: In contemporary times, the term Gatekeeper has been assigned to the CIA. Their job is to protect the American people from harm. That ideology has morphed into a revolving door rather than a gate as their focus is centered instead on secular Israel and the Shin Bet.
The Shin Bet is Israel’s security service in coordination with the Mossad. They conduct ‘interrogations’ of terrorist from Palestine and across the globe. They guide the torture of prisoners.
In 2012, Moreh wrote a documentary entitled The Gatekeepers. He interviewed five former and one current heads of the Shin Bet. Moreh, a self described liberal, provides a cross section reference claiming that all Palestinians are terrorists – while claiming to feel for their plight.
Moreh emotionally declares that as a direct result of these interviews, he decided that Netanyahu "poses a great threat to the existence of the state of Israel." He said that he seeks "to change the point of view of young Israelis. To tell them a story of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has not been told before”. In reality the Shin Bet is a terrorist organization unto itself in its tactics and torture – just as is the CIA. However, with the nobility label of Gatekeeper, these agencies are far removed from the Gatekeepers of God. Their sins are now the sins of Israel.
Chief of Staff: The third crowning of Gatekeeper has been settled upon the American Chiefs of Staff. Their role is to move the President from square A to B, defining their political policies, driving their economic agendas, and basically operating as their puppet master.
Biden has had two Gatekeepers: Jeff Zients and Ron Klain – both ‘Jewish’. Making sure Biden maintains an Israel first policy as president in name only. Klain, a lawyer made his initial appearance Gatekeeping in the Clinton/Gore environment working the advisory counsel route as well as Chief of Staff. He worked the Obama campaign and became Chief of Staff for VP Biden.
Despite zero healthcare experience, Obama appointed Klain Ebola Tzar and Biden appointed him CoVid Tzar. In 2022 when it became known Klain had violated the Hatch Act – he was given no consequence and simply told not to do it again. In 2023, he retired and Jeff Zients came aboard. Utilizing Deputy Chiefs of Staff, these Handlers move mountains while the presidents they are secured to are illusionary basement dwellers.
Many of the appointees to this position have CIA backgrounds, Harvard backgrounds and Boston Consulting Group backgrounds – their mentors and trainers.
The Biblical term in these appointments would likely be in reference to the Gates of Hades.