Jun 12Liked by Helena Glass

"Gore - fool." Nice one.

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Look no further than the mafias. Eventually they kill each other over turf.

We are crossfire fodder.

More importantly is individual bodily Graphene contamination removal.

While they fight it out we must get through to the other side. Not everyone will be killed. And that is the good news. Laugh or cry…

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Exactly - I use the Mafia Cartel interchangeably - because they operate exactly the same under the same premises!

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I don't think there's much of a business model because they want everyone to die, right? They want to go back to Medieval times and shut off all the oil before there's a replacement infrastructure in place, because they just want us dead.

This crazy mystery document I stumbled on (https://forbiddennews.substack.com/p/the-black-nobility) claims that while Fabiola Gianotti is CERN's Director General, it is actually controlled by the Erba-Odescalchi family (Black Nobility).

CERN controls the IceCube Neutrino detector in Antarctica, together with the National Science Foundation, which seems like a supremely evil organization.

Whistleblower, Eric Hecker, who worked at the IceCube says it is a major earthquake weapon: https://forbiddenknowledgetv.net/directed-energy-weapons-confirmed-in-antarctica/

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Author

looking this family up and will research - Thanks! FYI - I met two scientists working at CERN - 2016. They were vacationing in La Jolla..

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FN, it's not medieval times they wish to return to it's the Brave New World they desire to create. The communists of WEF and in the world at-large never return to the past, it's always progress for progress sake whether good or bad.

When one observes the past you can take what worked and discard what didn't, the future is unknowable and this is what excites the mentally disturbed psychopaths of the WEF and their equally disturbed zealot followers who willingly want to usher in the future and eradicate those who do not wish to follow them into the dystopia they envision. Since the vast majority of people do not get excited about their distorted image of the future the eradication of the unwilling accomplishes the Malthusian goal of depopulation of the "useless eaters"* and "hackable animals"* of the under class they despise.

* see Yuval Harari, Klaus Schwab's mentally disturbed futurist.

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