The Green Climate Fund is managed by the World Bank. Due to ‘poor record keeping’ the World Bank cannot account for $41 billion in climate funds it claims to have disbursed. World Bank is headquartered in Washington. Ajay Banga is currently the president of World Bank. Banga was appointed by Obama in 2015 to serve on the president’s advisory committee for trade and negotiations. He is a member of the board of DOW Chemical, WEF, and Council on Foreign Relations. His ‘naturalization’ as a US citizen was announced in 2023 – as having taken place in 2007 to fit his World Bank appointment.
The Green Fund established for the Paris Accord is managed by South Korea in conjunction with The World Bank as the depository. The Green Fund is used to offer developing countries micro-loans at usury interest rates under the guise of Climate Change. The first micro-lending bank was Grameen in Bangladesh. Their initial interest rate is roughly 24%. 97% of loans are made to poor women. When repayment is due a group of men are sent to collect. Often, the women don’t have the money so they borrow from another creditor to pay the interest on the first loan.
This is how the Green Climate fund works. It impoverishes the impoverished.
The fact that we are only now being told that the World Bank is missing $41 billion is on the head of Anjay Banga and the governing board. They do not have audited financial statements. In fact they don’t have financial statements. They file an annual report including summary notations for Income/Expense and Assets. They claim micro-loans are for the purpose of ‘ending poverty’. They were established in 1944 – for that purpose.
The World Bank founders were John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White. Harry Dexter White was a senior U.S. Treasury Department official. White Worked closely with the Secretary of the Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., the Jewish banker who advised FDR in his installation of the communist New Deal for the destruction of America. The Jewish communist who was accused of espionage for passing classified information to the Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union. Dexter White was also a confirmed traitor to the US passing classified documents. Not exactly a stellar motivation to continue service of The World Bank!
In 1980, the bank moved to expand their lending by ‘servicing the debt’ of developing countries. The collateral being, the country’s resources. The bank has been embroiled in controversies since its inception, including their ‘structural adjustment loans’. This type of loan is based on conditions. The conditions include requirements to institute policies including increased privatization.
Privatization is the means by which elite money can enter the country and buy up land and thereby dominate the resources. Like the De Beers in the African diamond mines, for example. Countries that fail to enact these programmes may be subject to severe fiscal discipline. Critics argue that the financial threats to poor countries amount to blackmail, and that poor nations have no choice but to comply. Thus the cycle of poverty is enhanced – not solved.
India is the largest recipient of the Structural Loans. The pre-requisite is that the loan cannot be made to build health, development of education programs, instead the loans are given to the banking sector.
The Green Fund as of 2022, the last year available; $11.7 billion in assets on $809 million in liabilities (the vast majority for long term borrowing) for a Net Equity of $10.9 billion. Obviously, this is wholly inappropriate given it is supposed to be a charity. And why would they have long term borrowing when they have $8.5 billion in cash equivalents?
According to NXT IAS, the poverty rate in India, the country that receives the vast majority of micro-loans, is 11.4% based on those earning less than $2.15 per day. The World Bank uses the measure of earning less than $2 per day. The UN claims poverty is based on earning $1.25 per day and that 84% of the population lives on less than $6.85. This is NOT a success story for micro-loans or The World Bank.
Of course, technically, no one knows diddly. They guess as to the population – the last census was 2011. Even the number of employed varies by as much as 35%. Statistics are adjusted to fit who is making the narrative, who will benefit from the information, and which data is used. There is a reason Biden chose Banga for a position as president of the World Bank. The probability of that choice being nonpolitical is roughly 1%.
Agreed. But they have to put it on the proverbial books as a loan in order to justify the 25% to 100% usury interest. This LENDING practice is what caused every single purge of Jews in history.
I can see us having power to abolish the federal reserve but we have no power over BIS the head of the Snake!