Ramping up the killing field, they are not done yet. The sabotage and mind-control apparatus of the Deep State has much more planned to make life miserable. Given the circumstances, I would broad-jump the assumption that the three plane crashes were not coincidental. I would venture the east coast drones will make a reappearance a with chemicals or lasers. And the emergence of DNA targeted mosquitoes will make their global debut.
The Russian biologist, Igor Kirillov, who was assassinated by the CIA was a necessary component. Bill Gates claims he has completed his warrior mosquito initiative whereby they can carry ‘vaccines’ for malaria. These will target the DNA of Africans. Only they are not vaccines, they are ladled with toxic chemicals and disease. Letting them loose over Africa will be one phase of their despotism.
It isn’t just Africa they will target, their design of death is likely to target other nations with specific DNA modules as well. According to Kirillov, in 2023 the agencies involved include: The Pentagon via DTRA Agency, MetaBiota, Black and Veatch and CH2M. Funding was provided by USAID, Clintons, Soros, Rockefeller and Biden Foundations.
Kirillov knew of this because when Russia targeted Ukraine in 2022, the biolabs had not been completely cleared leaving behind a trail of studies and volumes of information. That trail revealed “causative agents of dangerous diseases, including tularemia, anthrax and hantavirus, monitoring the local biological environment, collecting virus strains and studying the susceptibility of the local population to various diseases” which included using Ukrainians as experimental lab rats. With Zelenskky’s permission, of course.
According to Bill Gates company, Oxitec, the Aedes aegypti mosquito is an increasingly global threat. Today it is ravaging Argentina. There is no cure for the diseases these specific mosquitoes bear on humans. The mosquito has been sequenced like a virus and reveals 1.38 billion base pairs. Which means it was created 250 million years ago… Hardy-Har. And only made landfall in North and South America as a direct result of the ‘slave trade’. This is their whimsical mantra.
Oxitec claims they created a GMO aedes mosquito that reduced the entire mosquito population by 90% when they trialed their new and improved Aedes across Brazil and Panama. Obviously, the intention per the lab work and papers discovered at the bioweapon labs in Ukraine – provide a different perspective into the Deep State Agenda. The GMO Aedes were released in 2023, today Brazil is experiencing the largest epidemic of Dengue in the world. As of June 2024, Brazil had 6 million cases. In 2023, they had 1.6 million cases.
In addition, Brazilians are reporting the mosquitoes are much more aggressive – attacking ferociously in packs. Remember the Killer Bees?
While the Pentagon admits on its website that they have 2 level-2 Biolabs in Ukraine, the 52 number was already leaked by our good friend the shrew, Victoria Nuland, who now serves on the board of National Endowment for Democracy. She is noteworthy for her appearances and support for the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2014.
So far, Trump’s proposals for halting the Ukraine war have brought little inspiration and lots of rolled eyes. The latest being taking control and inserting ‘peacemakers from Europe’. There are no peacekeepers. There is only Deep State.
However, Bill Gates may give the Deep State their solution by simply dousing the remaining population with mosquito borne diseases and wiping the last vestiges of Ukrainians out so the CIA can take over. However, to add to the fray of fear, a spy from the Pentagon stole the DNA logs from Russia. Giving them the target vector for either drones or mosquitoes – whichever Molotov cocktail they choose.
Fauci is grinning ear-to-ear much like the evil Blofeld from the James Bond movies. Waiting for his ‘I told you so’ moment when the new bioweapon is released, Fauci’s soul is being eaten by parasites. There is little left.
While the Biden administration unleashed their propaganda campaign claiming Putin, Russia, and anyone who made the assertion there were ANY bioweapon labs in Ukraine were conspiracy quacks. Under oath, Nuland cracked that Press Release narrative and admitted to the 52 number.
So. As Fauci gleefully tells us that we ‘better watch out’ and Gates tells us another pandemic is imminent, the question is – what if this time it is real? What if they douse us with a highly potent bioweapon when we have now come to the realization that CoVid was just a hard cold? Sort of like a ‘double agent spy’…
Well first - You wouldn't speak about it on social media...
The solution is to ELIMINATE Gates and Fauci. PERIOD!!! So what if someone complains about it or has anything to say about it at all. If these psychopaths are allowed to exist then they WILL eventually do something so heinous that the world will never recover. So why are they allowed to walk around free men? There comes a time for action and this is it. ENOUGH of these monsters scaring the crap out of the world with their insanity.