As Zelenskky’s war continues unabated, he has few soldiers left to fight and has succumbed to enlisting the sick and the mentally disabled, including; deaf people, those with TB, partial brain atrophy, a degree of mental retardation, etc… The training consists of one week teaching them how to hold a gun and shoot. NATO and America under Biden – approve – to the last Ukrainian.
Biden has already pledged the remaining appropriations will be sent to Kyiv with a partial diversion to Kamala’s $20 million campaign debt. Given the Wall Street Journal announcement that Trump's plan is a freeze solution, Russia is not impressed and wants what it always sought – the elimination of Nazi guardsmen, a return to the Minsk Agreement, and status quo.
Zelenskky has decided to openly offer Trump a bribe: a proposal to replace some of the American troops stationed in Europe with Ukrainians, and an offer of privileged access to Ukrainian mineral riches – within his preconceived ‘Victory Plan’ in exchange for endless weapons and the destruction of Russia. This added topping on the ice cream cone is supported and contrived by the Deep State that is running Ukraine.
The Wall Street Journal has described what they perceive as Trump’s plan to end the war in Ukraine – from sources other than Trump. Amounting to 'bald faced lying' Trump has not responded andPutin and Lavrov have already categorically denied this plan as remotely viable. The proposal involves ‘guarantees’ and ‘pinky swears’ from a country that lacks any ethical value and will sign anything just to burn it as they did with the Minsk Agreement
The MSM is busily making statements that seem to have little correlation with Trump’s plans and initiatives as the obvious ploy for internal dissent is likely their motive.
Today’s Media:
Christopher Lasch wrote a critique on the Frankfurt School of Jewish intellectualism. The Authoritarian Personality: “...showed how to conduct political criticism in psychiatric categories, and to make those categories bear the weight of political criticism. This excused them from the difficult work of judgement and argumentation. Instead of arguing with opponents, they simply dismissed them on psychiatric grounds.”
This “Personality” is exactly what the MSM adopted as their sole means of argument and debate – call them names; fascist, misogynist, Nazi, rapist, sick, psychotic... the litany was rabid!. Bully pulpits utilized on elementary playgrounds evolved –
Lasch wrote a number of books and managed to make himself a pariah in both liberal and conservative circles. However, his philosophies bear some interesting constructs: Lasch was a Frankfurt School Marxist, who became a socialist, who wrote scathingly of feminists, globalization, the rise of narcissism and elites – while admonishing the US government for purging the middle class.
His points are valid in this regard as people have become the slaves of the elites via wages. The concept of company towns and of smart cities define this view of slavery as parlayed by Bill Gates, Bezos, Fink, etc… Qatar a perfect visualization – the population of Qatar is 313,000 – their slave population is 2.3 million. Instead of the liberals and Zionists leaning into the ideologies of Lasch, they used his analysis to achieve exactly what Lasch basically described as the fall of civilization.
Fulfilling the design of war in the process – as the means.
To that end, Poland and France are both warning of a heightened threat against their respective militaries and citizens, cue – Zelenskky has or soon will be given the ‘permission’ to advance missiles into the heart of Russia. While intel continues the myth that Russia has plans to takeover European countries, the fact remains – NATO took over Russian aligned countries. The THREAT is NATO.
While Poland’s military is in the range of 200,000 personnel, France has declared it’s strength to be 20,000. Germany is in the middle of a governmental collapse and the UK’s military stands around 138,000. “First strike wins”?
Throwing into the mix Lindsey Graham and Bojo the Clown – neither of whom have a wits breath of knowledge about intel, being a soldier, fighting in war – they tend to put their mouths where the sun don’t shine when it comes to military analysis. The rhetoric of a Russian expansion across the EU is fear mongering at its worst!
“If aid to Ukraine is reduced and Kiev starts losing, London could be forced to deploy troops to the region”, Johnson declares. “We will then have to pay to send British troops to help defend Ukraine,” The abject ignorance of this statement is astoundingly psychotic.
Whether or not this round about being played on Shakespeare’s stage is simply buffoonery or if it is in actuality a means of deterring the inauguration of Trump is anyone’s guess. While Bojo’s first career was as a ‘journalist’, it was not lasting: The Europhile Conservative politician Chris Patten stated that Johnson was "one of the greatest exponents of fake journalism". Like Lindsey Graham, Bojo’s party affiliation moves with the tide becoming whatever is the ruling party instead of holding any true loyalty. Graham, Bojo and Zelenskky – true politicians made of sand.
Zelensky can buy Bojo a comb and Bojo can buy Zelensky new wardrobe before both are executed.
Truth be know I only skimmed this piece. Long story short...The Putz Z is on borrowed time. His junta will collapse and as soon as DJT is sworn in... he'll flee to some warm local where he'll always be looking over his shoulder. Ultimately, the KGB will whack him and no one will care. Yes, a bit crude but this is the world we live in. Oh and BTW, the US will rush in to clean up the mess.