
Cherry Creek?

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Yes! That is a part of Part II - lineages

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Yep. Just started Arthur Koestler's "The Thirteenth Tribe." Khazarian Mafia [KM].

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Rome + Israel (mystery priesthood) = Babylon 2.0, the great whore and Synagogue of Satan that Jesus warned us about in Revelation. Rome couldn't be more obvious with the pagan Chaldean side of all the astrology, goetia and gematria, then building it up all over DC. Ho of Babble On is not long to get the 'Man With Two Brains' treatment (I think that's the right movie): "Into the mud, scum queen!" Praise God it's soon.

They are the Big Bother of the targeting program with their Fr33mason gatekeepers, their last desperate attempt before they lose control.

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Who are you?

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A child of God, if a pathetic example of one. Just reading that made me realize He'll probably ask me that one day, so I'd better start coming up with some better material. Not that He didn't know. I'm sure it's a real kick to hear what some people think of themselves. LOL

Lifelong target is another answer. Veteran of the psychic wars, a more ironic answer since the better portion of entertainers are part of the cult (maybe about all), and from the Blue Oyster bar downtown at that. That song is probably about TIs as much as The TrueMan Show and a lot else. The more I learn about them, the more disgusted, and more at myself for wanting to be a part of their clown world for too long. Turns out the blue pill has a long list of side effects.

"If death occurs, contact your physician immediately."

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