
I will interject - one point that I specifically researched - Ishtar. Ishtar was NEVER a part of the older mythology. In fact she was created sometime in the 19th century to sabotage Easter with a 'story'. Nothing more.

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I like how you slipped Kabbalah in there so we know who we're talking about, but I will go a step further and quote the Jewish Chronicle from Dec 20, 1867, "Judaism is Masonry, and Masonry is Judaism." Thus we have other brainwashes like Unholywood and the Kabbalism prevalent there. And who jointly owns Hollywood and the West in general from banking downward just happens to be the same who hung Jesus on the cross, took the deal he turned down to own the world, and are the "hidden hand" (Master of the 2nd Veil, Google Images) behind all this mess now. Rome is often forgotten behind The Israel Lobby (great book) but to say DC is little Rome (Babylon) is an understatement easily proven with a Google Earth presentation among other facts. You would think they'd be at odds, but Masonry is the spackle that holds them together along with other world powers. Whatever happens, you can bet it's them.

People need to know this (sorry it's long): Most know the Bohemian Grove and the statue, an owl Alex Jones called Moloch. It's not. We'll get to that. Google Earth the US Capitowl Building and turn it sideways. There's another hidden owl at the upper right of a US dollar if you magnify it (to reinforce what I'm saying here) but that entire DC complex is an occult symbol. Drop down/west from the Capitowl and you'll find her eggs at the WA Memorial. They also made a vesica piscis symbol out of them under the phallic obelisk. That monument mirrors St. Peter's at the Vatican. The dead (necropolis/war memorial) face west as a "key" going into a lock womb/matrix representing the gold and silver gates of heaven and man, the Holy See logo. The sacrificial "key" is the dead so to speak.

The owl is the "spirit animal" of Inanna, Athena (AOL) and Minerva (Illuminati goddess) among others. Even Ishtar/Eostre is part of it and where we get some Easter traditions from, why it all faces east for sunrise service and the obelisk is there at both places, sun ritual. In history, maybe still, they would use babies as sacrifices, the blood running down the altar into a basket, "dyeing" the fertility eggs. I have an image of blood red dyed eggs with crosses on them in a bowl from a White House display. Sorry, gruesome, I know. It's what they are. That's what ties it to the owl, fertility eggs, but so does this:

Ever wonder why M&M's are called that? They're a fertility egg, like the owl's or a woman's, but for the Magna Mater (great mother). MM (33) is also Master Mason. Owls, besides wise and "seeing" in the dark (Illuminati) like to eat Mickey Mouse lab rats. It's also why celebs like Marilyn Manson and Monroe (both Church of Satan) are named that sometimes. It's particularly relative to the Mary Magdalene "grail" bloodline farce, which actually has some compelling history behind it, but still a farce. They do love their bloodlines.

Anyway, enough book writing. I just had to spill that. There's so much more, like the reason we have Saturn-day that used to be the real Sabbath, now black. The point is all these gods, goddesses and demigods are images of the fallen angels and their nephilim, gibborim, rephaim, etc. offspring. All ancient religions tell the same basic story, just believed differently. The moral: see the evil and run to Jesus. I kid you not. All this WWIII and other talk is just leading us up to fulfilling Revelation soon enough.

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