The one thing rarely mentioned about John Kennedy is that he was having Treasury Notes issued and from what I read, Johnson's first act as president was to rescind Kennedy's order.

I once met a Secret Service Agent and he confirmed what I had been taught. The secret Service's two primary duties are to protect the president, and to protect the currency.

I asked him which took priority. He said it was an interesting question and that he would get back to

me. That was twenty years ago, and I'm still waiting.

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I've met my fair share of CIA - and can say - I didn't like any of them

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I believe they were called Silver Certificates, issued by the Treasury outside the control of the Fed. FWIW, Lincoln did the same thing with Greenbacks to fund the north's Civil War expenses. Look what happened to him. Any country or leader who tries to live without a central bank ends up dead. Gaddafi tried to establish his own currency, too, and he took it in the shorts (sorry, couldn't resist).

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What they did to Mullins and his family for exposing truth is pretty sickening.

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Yes, and Much easier to rewrite history with internet communications. Limited access to data storage ( they won't delete it!). With few paper records, it's not hard for them to shut it down to the people and shut people off from each other... When they do this, they will be found hiding in their bunkers while the people kill each other?

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