The US has 18 different Intel agencies. The US also funds private NGO intel. All are within the ‘oversight’ of IC Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA). The U.S. intelligence budget has two major components: the National Intelligence Program and the Military Intelligence Program. The combined budget is $106.3 billion. Russia has three intel agencies.
According to the Wilson Center, Russia’s military budget is $81.7 billion – which they call ‘unprecedented’… Unfortunately, they don’t really know what the true spending and budget are given Russia does not publish this information and our 18 intel agencies can’t figure it out. But like a good neighbor – they ‘guess’. So, to help out these 18 Federal intel agencies and all the NGO’s taxpayers pay for, Reuters provided the information via a one page classified document? I seriously doubt it.
The National Intelligence agency’s DEIA Director is Stephanie La Rue who previously worked as a lawyer for the CIA where she received an award - Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity Award for Exceptional Service. Every department within the federal government now has their own DEIA agency and allocated Budget. Yet Russia manages without any.
DEI required training before it could be implemented across the various departments – the cost - unknown. The HHS alone spends nearly $40 million per year on their DEI program which funds 294 employees. Color is the point.
The Federal Government now publishes an annual report on the demographics of its employees; 18.2% black, 9.53% Hispanic, and 6.5% Asian. Federal workers with ‘targeted disabilities’ – which include blindness, deafness, partial or complete paralysis, missing extremities, dwarfism, autism and epilepsy – accounted for 2.5% of the total workforce in 2021. Equitable healthcare coverage is available for the LGBT community.
ALL these expenses are paid for by Taxpayers.
Musk has been tweeting about some of the experimental funding in NIH such as trying to figure out why monkey’s throw their poop, or can monkey’s be trained to play poker, or can we transgender monkeys… He has declared that he will create a Leader Board for all the agencies and their funding waste. Transparency. In real time. Russia doesn’t use animals for testing except in makeup products. How much of the US funding could be diverted to SS and Medicare? NIH Budget = $50 billion.
But NIH is not the only funded research facility, 1,000 Universities have R&D expenditures of which 55% is paid for by Taxpayers = $100 billion. What is the research? Genetically modifying food, health and medicine, lithium batteries, and research on ‘Troops’…
For Example: Johns Hopkins receives the most government funding for Research. They spend it to ‘research the opioid epidemic’, for diseases that don’t exist in the US, climate change digital health, AI, and biologic & chemical weapons. In fact – every university is researching the same fundamental topics while torturing primates which are raised on an island offshore of South Carolina. Recently 43 lab monkeys escaped from the Alpha Genesis lab which provides the primates for NIH and Universities. I was rooting for the monkeys.
When researching diseases, the point is to find a new Pharma Drug that will not cure the infectious disease, but calm it while providing 12 more diseases that you didn’t have but do now. When researching biologic weapons – it is to use them across a wide range of countries – and blame Russia. And when researching diseases that don’t exist in the US, the goal is to create a vaccine that will increase mortality.
Yes. Our government spending could easily be cropped by 75%. Forcing overpaid DEIA employees to actually work for a living. With Federal Employees now counting roughly 22 million – the elimination would affect 16.5 million who would need to become productive members of society contributing to SS and Medicare.
16.5 million without a job…that would be crazy.
You are a delight to read-informative, concise, factual, witty.