"tombs of the Vatican’s 9-11 mile library" made me think of the stairwell leading down and Revelation 9:11. From above it looks less like an ancient spiritual spiral symbol to me and more of a Stairway to the Pit. I guess it's up to the disposition of the angel helping them guard their Promethean gnosis, but there's only one kind of angel underground according to Enoch and others.

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.” Sonoluminescence, the Word of God. Strange you're talking about sound waves. I just started MKTECH Invasion and Mind Control Volume 1 and 2 about how those very waves are being used to torment people for their (the Chaldean-Kabbalist Babylonian powers) Guantanamo-gone-wild amusement. It amuses their Legion. For them tools are almost always weapons, and sound is the final solution. Project Soul Catcher.

The (beta IMO) targeting program, advances in AI, quantum computing, etc. are only going in one direction, from serf to demonomata cyborgs, at least those they've not terminated in their quest for the perfect Off switch. Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea has been showing some interesting aspects of what's in our bodies now that will somehow be made use of:


Sound really is the final subject. Sorry your agent sounds like a Bebe from Frasier or we might be able to read that book?

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I found this youTube interesting:


In 1984 KGB defector Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov described ideological subversion, or the four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB to undermine American society.

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