So there's the missing link. Reagan WAS their trained chimp. They almost put Bonzo to bed once, or was it Bubbles? And his friend George ("George is my friend...") was probably playing the hurney gurney behind him.

All these 'nazi names makes me wonder how far into the background the Romans really are now for all their real estate. If they didn't take over Babylon back then it sure seems they have by now. Pretty impressive (conniving?) for such a low percentage of the population, regardless of IQ.

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Reagan was rogue to be sure - but Bush was well deservedly a pariah involved in the Franklin Scandal - planeloads of young boys … I’ve written about this extensively, albeit years ago. Nancy Reagan hated Bush - to her credit,.

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No doubt it was really telling. Was Epstein any part of that, or before his time in the trafficking?

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