I get it. But I tend to be a much better than par researcher - so when I miss something I have to - RESEARCH IT. And am more than willing to admit being duped it that is the end result. Unfortunately that research is not as easy as it used to be.

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On the other hand if someone can give me an alternate opinion I can research/debate that narrative.

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Cynicism? And here I thought truth was important. Something DOGE to clean the filth

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This is NOT about Patel's baggage - this is about a Honey Pot scheme. I admire and respect Patel - but men have a notorious habit of being led by their other brain...

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Patel is Hindi and has never claimed any other. Same as ramaswamy

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I’m guessing Patel had his google history scrapped like Ramaswamy and the girlfriend wasn’t scrubbed fast enough?? I don’t know so dumb

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so why lie

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No my mistake previously exposed as a failure 😎. Sorry

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Every minutiae detail matters - gestalt

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Oh shoot.

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Sam Parker appears to have animus towards Kash Patel and his statements appear to be inaccurate.

Alexis Wilkins did blip into this universe rather spontaneously but I think I found her. She's 26, not 23. I won't doxx her but her father's name starts with a "J" and her mother's name starts with an "M" and the mother's maiden name is Armenian. All of their phone numbers are consistent with having lived in Arkansas and Tennessee. The mother has a high-level sales job with a major tire manufacturer, managing sales to a "government fleet".

J Wilkins is said to be an account manager at Intepros, which looks like a Management Consultancy business that is contracted to optimize other businesses.

There is a conflict in the identity of the father, with some reports saying he was a "Wilkins" born in Arkansas and another report saying he was born two years earlier, in Boston and has a different surname starting with "M". The "Wilkins" version has had a few Boston Area Code phone numbers as well as a couple of numbers in Los Angeles. Gillette (cited in the CAClubIndia article) is headquartered in Boston.

J & M Wilkins own a $1.2 million house in Nashville, where they've lived for 9 years. It is totally blurred-out from Google Street View.

I'd never heard that Kash had a girlfriend, let alone a wife and I've looked into him a little bit over the years. My first instinct was that Alexis is a "beard", not because Kash is gay but because Kash has been very wrapped-up in a very high-pressure, legally-fraught career since 2019, when he was appointed to the first Trump administration. He doesn't seem to have had a lot of time for romance.

Two months ago, MSN published a story on Kash with *zero* mention of Alexis, stating that there were no public records of his marriage to anybody but it referred to rumors of a secret Hindu ceremony, without mentioning his wife's name. If anybody would have wanted to dish on Kash Patel having a messy divorce, MSN would certainly have wanted to do that:


Only CAClubIndia is reporting on Kash's alleged Canadian wife, a successful brand manager in Toronto.

This Indian accountancy industry website previously scooped the background of a possible collaborator in the Trump assassination attempt in Butler, PA. Antifa member Maxwell Yearick's family sells guns to Maoist groups in Latin America:


Fang Fang was Eric Swallwell's Chinese spy girlfriend, who reportedly died in this brutal, 90º straight-down Boeing crash:


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“then 23” when she began dating Kash is what I wrote - so under the radar for 2+ years. She says her father was in the Korean War…



she says her mother was in pharma and aerospace…

I have no animus against Kash - but claiming to be a devout Christian and breaking up a marriage… while working for Prager?


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It seems as thought this Patel guy is not at all Christian since when he was sworn in by Attorney General Pam Bondi, he is asked to place his hand over the Bhagavad Gita, swearing on that book instead of swearing, for confirmataion as Director of the FBI, on the Bible. The interesting moment in the video is when Pam Bondi asks him to swear on the "Gita," making the ceremony for me at least, seem kind of farce and suspicious. He has been caught lying in at least another instance, and in that case, it concerned his knowledge of or about Stew Peters. Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5me4nm6oTw

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In the IWF article, she says, “My great-grandpa was in World War II and then my papa was in the Korean War."

"Papa" meaning "grandfather", since her father was born in the early 1960s, a decade after the end of the Korean War.

Note that the 2023 IWF article makes zero mention of Kash Patel and despite following him rather closely, I had never known of Alexis' existence until the swearing-in ceremony the other day. I definitely agree that something weird is going on with this "romance".

Western outlets uniformly report that Kash has never married, so there would be no "marriage" for the "devout Christian" to "break up", according to Western media, who are, in the main hostile towards Kash Patel.

The CAClubIndia articles are the source for the derogatory info about both Kash and Alexis in some Indian outlets, whose info is not being published by any Western media, although I'm sure many Left-leaning outlets would love nothing more than to propagate derogatory claims about the two – but they're not. Why not?

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Thanks for responding. I get antsy when things are not clean. I went thru reams trying to dig out Ramaswamy after he had 'wiped google' of all information. I like Kash but we are not in a position to form an opinion when transparency keeps going dark.

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https://www.abmc.gov/decedent-search/wilkins%3Dj Korean War Wilkins died in 1952

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The Korean War veteran was her Armenian-American grandfather (which I guess is why she calls him "Papa"), according to both IWC article you cited and to this Yahoo article linked to the CAClubIndia article: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/kash-patel-girlfriend-alexis-wilkins-115048449.html

Father, DOB 1965 (age-appropriate) married to a woman DOB 1965 with an Armenian maiden name. I'm not doxxing them.

The couple seemed to split their time mainly between California and Massachusetts throughout the 1990s through the mid-2010s and to owns/owned/flipped a lot of real estate in CA & MA, then moved to Arkansas & Tennessee.

I don't see anything about the "UK or Switzerland", which are highly-charged, especially together or about a "mine" and "Gabe and Ansley", all of which appear to be red herrings, maybe to protect their privacy, IDK.

I'm your fan and I don't mean to quibble but as much as there is definitely something off about Alexis, there are some things off about this post; your comments about Adam Kinzinger and Dennis Prager, who may be a Zionist but he's not "far left". His whole enterprise is anti-far left!

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She clearly states she was 23 “at the time.”

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As did I - “ … then 23 year old”

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I've seen no evidence of them dating for 3 years, that's why I my mind went to they only started dating 2 weeks ago!!!

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Judging from their increasingly shoddy tradecraft over the recent decade or so, it is fair to say the Judaic Supremacist cartel has a very low opinion of Gentiles in general, and that, combined with the younger generation of racist psychopaths taking over from their parents' generation are not as well disciplined and increasingly not as clever, their innate lack of integrity and the advancing moral decay of their secretive inbred spritually bankrupt culture starting to implode on itself, is an inevitable outcome we are all suffering through in real time. I wish them Godspeed on their path of self annihiliation.

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It was Swalwell who was caught up with Fang Fang, not Kinzinger, fwiw.

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Thanks - my goof

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"But the Israeli Cartel is so egocentric they don’t think anyone will bother to investigate the truth and reality. Exposing themselves as incredibly incompetent."

I would say "arrogant", not "incompetent". They know that articles like this will be read by what, 10,000 people? They know that there is no way that information like this will leak out into the mass media, even if Kash and Alexis did something truly scandalous, like smoke crack and rob a bank. It will all be covered up. They know this, and don't care. They truly believe they own the entire planet. They are mistaken. God owns the planet. This will not end well for them.

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Baggage is also tossing one's wife and children aside for some rolls in the hay with a honeypot ... as you've also alleged. I seek documentation of his prior marriage as you have alleged. I can't find it anywhere. Do you have it? The Devil is always in the details. I don't like the overwhelming insidious Zionist influence that may not only be with Patel but also in fact is throughout President Trump's administration. Check out MEMRI and its board of directors and advisors just as an example. Then reflect on reports that MEMRI is a Mossad propaganda front. You won't believe your eyes when you see who supports and runs MEMRI. It's the facts and details that matter ... not the allegations. Before publishing about Kash's alleged honeypot, it would be good to have the facts in hand. After more than 40 years as a member of the former FBI Agents association, I resigned in disgust over the rot at the top of the FBI. However, I know agents who were assigned to Legal Attache positions around the World who married foreign nationals ... even in one case a Russian. Those were great agents who walked the straight and narrow all the way. I'm giving Kash the benefit of the doubt until proven that he was married with children and until it's proven that his girlfriend is a Mossad mole. s/ 88 year old, Major Wayne L. Wickizer, MSAJ, SAFBI 1970-76 the real FBI. See my little eBook "Who will be the next to die murdered by the FBI?" at https://designrr.site/?i=181db&t=197b59&page=1

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Helena, Please share your documentation for the story about Patel. These are troubled times. Patel may have baggage but for me as an 88 year old former FBI Agent, Patel's baggage so far is light compared with his predecessors'. All I can say at this point is "keep the heat."

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Wasn’t it Eric Swallwell that had the affair with Fang Fang?

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