
My dad was in Pattons tank battalion. What do you think?

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Your Febuary article on Patton answered my question. Any resistance to said enemies of Patton means an early death.

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I am hearing a cry

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They do what satanic Babylonians do best: project their own characteristics onto the victim, just the same as us TIs they put on the TSDB so their mafia-masons and union lackeys can torture with psychotronic weapons daily. It's all moving toward the IoT, the 'things' being us nodes in the hub of the WBAN, powering it for them Matrix style with the nanotechnology from the bioweapons. 5th Gen warfare is their most EviL to date. I wonder how much is in use in these 'wars' let alone on their actor-puppets.

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Can't really say thank you for that 😆 but something that should be known anyway. I was expecting the prisoner dehumanized into a tormentor to be given a uniform toward the end. I'm sure that's how at least some amount of the targeting program works. Ordo Ab Chao. Some roll over fast I'm sure and show them their belly like a dog. They already had no soul to speak of. They find it funny when it's their turn to play monster.

Imagine the person you're married to going through torture in their own head and nothing you can do. Without knowing the details they just seem mental, but once you do it's a form of torture in itself. And all the while they're taking it out on you, or the torturers are through them. And that's the lite version.

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Was Patton right when he said, I fought for my enemy?

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