Maybe what happened was exactly what was planned to happen.- that's what I am thinking about.

My bet that the sniper was a pro and had a suitable snipers rifle, not a crappy, inaccurate one.

Why were only a few shots fired -

Anyone who has used an semi-automatic weapon like the one supposedly used, knows that to have any chance at a kill shot from that distance you have to keep firing.

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OK - here is my 2cents: Matthew was severely bullied - was a geek - his dad likely slapped him one too many time - he was on prescription meds for anxiety and psychosis - and wanted to make his dad happy for doing something MANLY - his parents were big Democrats.

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Once the shooter is dead they can help us 'learn' whatever they want us to learn about him.

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Where did this come across your desk from please? We need to know the source if this is indeed true. I couldn’t find anything about him or this quote

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I figured this timing of Trump assassination 'attempt' was very likely a distraction from the July 13 a.m

direct from Haaretz report news appearing (see Veteranstodaydotcom) regarding the IDF plan and killings - also of Israelis on Oct. 7. Such news is or should be deadly for the victimhood of Israel as excuse for slaughtering Palestinians and the pretense of Hamas as separate from Israel gvt. And as well the new report of the slaughter of 90 in Gaza. Israel (Mossad) had every reason to keep this Israeli Haaretz report from becoming a mjaor news item. I hope this will be considered.

Trump may also be being warned possibly to stay in line, despite such news to make him uncomfortable if this breaks into the mainstream.

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If not somehow another layer of the hoax, let's pray Willis doesn't suddenly disappear, self-defenestrate or have a firearm 'mishap'. He could use his own detail about now.

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