The Fifth Industrial Revolution is upon us. While technology and AI are ever expanding and exploding, the labor market is left in the dust. Many jobs are becoming extinct, just as in every revolution, but the shift to expand the necessary skills needed to meet today’s market is being met with resistance. “ALL Americans must be employed before we cave to one immigrant” is the rallying cry. But ALL Americans no longer have the necessary skills. The Education system was too engrossed in making peasants to see past their World Order dysfunction.
By 2026, the shortage of ‘available talent’ is expected to reach over 1.2 million. Technology is only a part of the equation. Constantly upgrading the talent with the advancements has fallen flat. A person trained in a particular field five years ago is already obsolete. They can either retrain or find themselves ‘laid-off’.
Within this weave, there is burnout. Burnout occurs when management can’t replace talent and are forced to rely more and more on a smaller pool of overworked talent. The cycle expands as the business loses its reputation among recruits and a digression develops.
The Americans demanding full employment by Americans don’t appear to understand the concept of obsoletion that is normal within every Industrial Revolution. It is like requiring phone operators to be employed when there are no more landlines. The shortage of pilots when planes were first developed. Mechanics for the first line of automobiles.
Where is the Job Market today? What jobs are in demand and which jobs are or will soon become obsolete?
The degrees in highest demand are not always the ‘most popular’. Too often those unpopular degrees are the ones that prove the biggest waste of time and money: Liberal Arts – starting salary $36,000. General Psychology – starting salary $34,000. Communications. English. Wherein Demand means ‘shortage’ translates to higher salary: mathematics & Statistics, Nursing, Physician Assistant, IT, Computer Science, Engineering etc…
Jobs that will soon be obsolete include: Bank teller, Cashier, Data Entry, Retail workers, actors, writers - anything that can be replaced by faster and less costly AI. Like it or not – this is the future. It is advancement. When my grandmother was born cars were the latest invention, no planes, no bare legs, and women had a 23” sucked in girdle waist. Chinese made up 90% of the railroad workforce. Today, blacks make up 50%-60% of sports. Should be fire all black athletes and replace them with whites?
Musk has warned America about the declining birth rate – to a crowd of naysayers. But here are the statistics: In 2016, the birth to death ratio for whites in America was less than 1. The fertility rate between 2021 and 2023 had dropped to 52.9 per 1,000 white women compared to Asian/Pacific Islanders – 446.3 per 1,000.
IF you want America to be White Again – you have to have babies. It is that simple. IF you want all Americans to have jobs, you have to be ‘marketable’. Basic economics.
There are two fundamental guides that either ground us or see us fail; Critical Thinking and Emotional Thinking. Both are necessary components in every aspect of our lives, however, the weight of each should correspond to the value attainment. For example; a business survival guide would likely lean 75% Critical to 25% Emotional. Art would likely be the reverse. DEI turned businesses upside down given it is based 100% on Emotional values. DEI caused bankruptcies, increased incompetence, and worse – required blacks at 14% of the population to be the new hires consuming some 97% of ALL new hires. Whites were fired to meet the DEI Requirements. A business that didn't - would be put out of business.
DEI also consumed salaries as an entire department had to be created. It dragged businesses into the rabbit hole of inferior quality. It also caused CEO’s to quit at a greater rate than ever before given they didn’t want to be associated with a failing company. Unlike captains they had no intention of going down with the proverbial ship.
And Lastly, for qualification: There are 7 separate types of VISA’s available for immigrants: EB-5, Temporary Visa’s, B-1, B-2, Green Cards, Immigrant visa’s and H-1B. The H-1B which is causing all the controversy is available only for ‘skilled workers’ with a bachelors or masters degree and capped at 85,000. LPR Immigrant Visa’s are permanent and can allow up to 675,000 per year. It is the LPR’s that are exploited given they can get public assistance, welfare and in-state tuition.
Unfortunately, the people most aggressively arguing don’t know this facet of immigrant VISA’s. Our problems in the US are today. To fix our problems, solutions require examination. Unlike government which likes to create ‘committees’ to evaluate everything for years, the private sector, aka Musk and Ramaswamy, are the finger snappers – they see through the eyes of Critical Thinkers. We don’t have years. Yellen is claiming we will go into default on debt January 20th. That hits our credit rating which hits the value of the dollar and trade. Don’t be like government …
"According to an analysis, the U.S. needs 400,000 new engineers every year. They say one-third of engineering jobs go unfilled and the trend will continue at least through 2030. The U.S. is not the only country facing an engineering shortage, and the report cited Japan and Germany as having similar problems."
DEI was a liberal initiative to force businesses to NOT hire whites. If a business did not meet the demand, they would be fined, sued, and lose. DEI is being stripped as I write. When constructing a narrative there are a multitude of facets and factors to research. Targeting Indians is simply another means of creating 'ranters'.
IF the VISA programs are committing fraud - attack the program not a country! The US government has the Control. Not India. Not Indians. Indians are crossing into America illegally at the Canadian and Mexican border - mostly Canadian. Close the borders. Those are the Indians seeking lower quality jobs! Not the H1B's. They can apply for a B-1 VISA - 675,000 annual openings.
There are SEVEN different VISA programs!
A. I don’t exaggerate. I spoke with numerous people. Please don’t make unfounded assumptions B. I’m sure agencies are corrupted that is a given. C. You fail to address the problem at all as in do nothing to secure the talent necessary to grow technology and engineering competitive companies. D. Education means ‘re-education’ which takes time which leaves gaps and holes. Not much different than telling the people of WNC to wait another few years and we’ll get back to you. If you have solutions great! Share them. But commenting on my post in one giant rant serves no one. Nothing. When you are done complaining try to think of solutions to which we all can debate maturely