
Your point has no value except 'head in sand' philosophy. The Vatican takes a percentage share of every Taxpayers money. Which is why fake Catholics show up with their suitcase of cash -

Their is a pyramid of Cartels interlinked. Get your head out of the sand and use critical thinking instead of critical denial.

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I think you might have missed the point. They created their own version of ideology based on an amalgamation. Which is exactly what is alive kicking today

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Completely defense response as in your lost the kick, the pass, and the touchdown! You’ve got no substance

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Germanys power is minimal. Bill Gates grandmother was Jewish. Blackmail is illegal. And you support victimhood creation

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I would like to breakdown the Jewish Community into three distinct groups.

1) the Misrahi Jews - they are Arabs - >>>>>>>THEY ARE THE TRUE SEMITES<<<<<< - they lived PEACEFULLY side by side with the Muslims for hundreds of years NEVER caused a problem , they are not Zionists

2- the Neturei Karta Jews who are descendants of Hungarian and Lithuanian Jews - they are NOT Zionists - and have also lived peacefully with the Muslims - they do NOT recognize the Apartheid Continuous Criminal Enterprise known as IsraHell

3- The ASS-k-NAZI Jews are WHITE EUROPEANS - >>>>>THEY ARE NOT SEMITES<<<<<< - They attended the Adolf Hitler School of Philosophy for the Criminally Insane - They carry the Charles Manson Gene.

'Nuff said.

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Sep 12Liked by Helena Glass

The interesting thing about the Jews in Europe and the UK are the elite Jews of which the Rothschild clan is the most well known, they are mostly Zionists and you are correct they are not Semites. Most of these non-semite Jews are what make up the majority of American Jews. The elites among them in europe chased recognition and bought their noble ascendancy with favorable relations with all the European Royals and nobles using their wealth. These noble Jews did not like sharing their new found status and power with lower class Jews and often discriminated against them, much like our leadership class is doing to middle class Americans.

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That is where the Roman Empire fits in.

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Can you expand on that comment? In relation to my comment how does the Roman Empire fit in?

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The Roman Empire is filled with more questions than answers. Because it would appear as the beginning of time of history. It opens with the Roman Kingdom being founded by two mythological twin brothers; Romulus and Remus. It has been rewritten to create 'The Jew' which previously did not exist and was first positioned in KJ Bible 3rd revision 1611. Historians can not answer where the Romans came from. It was the source of the concept that money equated to intellect equated to power. It was the time when Popes dominated over kings and kings became subordinate

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Sure. Remind me in the morning 🤓? Please

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Good morning Helena! I hope you are well. I will look for you reply later.

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Nailed it - the ASS-k-NAZIs ZioNuts treat the Misrahi and Neturei Karte Jews like crap.

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The childish Hitler and the holocaust myth grants jews moral license for the exercise of all power. The legitimacy of Israel itself — from which they administer political control of our population and exploit it for economic benefit— hinges upon this myth and by extension the alleged jewish victimhood narrative.

They smile when they hear it perpetuated because without it, all their money, power and prostitutes would be rendered useless.

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>>>>>>>the childish Hitler and the holocaust myth grants jews moral license for the exercise of all power. The legitimacy of Israel itself —<<<<<<<

You will always find corrupt individuals who use victimhood to claim the unearned.

Historian Norman Finkelstein himself a Jew and the son of a holocaust survivor has exposed the corruption.

It is well documented that the Zionists and the Rothschilds had been trying to create a Talmudist State in Palestine since 1890. That is 40 years before Hitler and the NAZIs appeared on the scene.

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It was Edmond Rothschild - they actually have their own website that details their history - very fascinating. Of course it is from their perspective - but it does note their takeover of Palestine -

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I hope that you noted that The Zionist Congress also Considered Uganda and Argentina. As possible locations.

The Ottoman Empire denied the Zionists request to create one in Palestine. But after Palestine obtained its independence the Zionists concluded that they could easily use their wealth to overwhelm the Palestinians who were mostly farmers and shepherds. Sad.

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Every time a Nazi or Hitler is conflated with, or compared to, or declared to be the definition of evil, the Zionist jews just rub their hands together, laugh, and smile shit eating grins from ear to ear.

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That’s b/c the prostitutes in our government ignore their criminality and use taxpayers funds to pay them $4.5 Billion a year come hell or high water.

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Ezra pound was a pro Mussolini fascist

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Ok, Bill Gates is not a Jew, Nancy Pelosi is not a Jew, Obama is not a Jew, The WEF is not a Jewish organization, the Venezuelan gangs taking over American cities are not Jewish, Bill And Kill-ary Clinton are not Jews. What my point? The Jews did not make America the way it is. American politicians did.🤔

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Sep 12Liked by Helena Glass

"Ok, Bill Gates is not a Jew,"

Are you sure, dig a little deeper

"Nancy Pelosi is not a Jew"

Doesn't matter, she is enriched by the Jews to do their bidding and she is rewarded through insider stock trades and millions in campaign donations

" Obama is not a Jew"

Same as Pelosi and they throw money at Obama despite his antipathy towards Jews, just not the ones who control him.

"The WEF is not a Jewish organization,"

In theory, but in reality it's controlled by Jews, look at the percentage of Jews that are either board members or extremely active in the organization.

I mean one could go on and on about Jewish money that buys influence and power while often operating in the shadows demanding all genuflect at the altar of Holocaustinity to keep the victim hood con going in their favor and oppress those who don't.

You know who your oppressors are by who you cannot criticize..

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Even if you are 100% correct Our politicians allowed themselves to be sold out, so is that the Jews fault???🤔 No its our greedy scumbag politicians fault. Hitler died decades ago. But Germany still controls the Western world Builderburg ‘s are Germans, Bill Gates is German, Bush is German, Trump German & Scottish, WEF is German but Headquarterd in Davos Switzerland.

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Fault? That's a specious argument. This isn't about fault, it's about fraud, corruption, deceit, duplicity, and evil and who's behind it all. Scumbag politicians are used to make it all happen to serve a master who cannot be criticized.

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Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. The Jews are behind America's collapse blah, blah,- You have provided zero proof. And made major accusations against a who!e entire race of people. Get help it is available

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So you ultimately lose the argument and your last hurrah is to attack. When debating points - you have not provided evidence of anything, your arguments are to simply attack - a combatant approach without force or leadership ~

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First off I was not "arguing " or "debating" anyone. I was making a comment on a public forum. Secondly I did not "attack" anyone. I gave my point of view to your constant bashing and Villianization of the Jewish ethnicity.

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Sep 13Liked by Helena Glass

Smeared an entire race of people? You mean like the constant smear that all white people are Nazi's and white supremacists especially the Christians kind of broad brush smear of an entire race of people. Funny how people like you call those you disagree with as conspiracy theorists and just like that, it's proven to be true. It's hard for you to handle the truth isn't it. I'd say get help, but you are beyond help.

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Keep on smearing and bashing because that really helps.😂😂😂

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Pound and Eliot we’re not adherents of the Frankfurt school and its tentacles. See: Eustace Mullins—a protege of Pound’s. Elliot was a committed traditionalist and devout Anglican. In his early years, he studied eastern philosophy at Harvard. The Waste Land records, the disturbance in the psyche of western civilization brought on by its encounter with eastern philosophy —a disturbance Jung predicted.

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