
Wars are technical coups. The Bankers will own America.

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Oct 1Liked by Helena Glass

If anyone lets fly with hydrogen bombs it would be the NATO axis.

What Moscow is actually threatening is the obvious pending necessity to eliminate forward military targets and regional strategic centers. Escalating to WMD from there would, again, be the prerogative of the original aggressors, not those who are cornered both politically and geographically.

The reason that’s conceivably a pending necessity is because the evident strategy of the deindustrialized and bankrupt NATO technocratic axis is another century/millennium of Iron Curtain/proxy war global economy of the like that is romanticized in nostalgia for post-war 20th century America (of the which propagandized history long being taught in western public schools now makes it so easy to identify the architects of the current strategy). Same legacy factions , too!

Without their precipitating that blood and iron based economy, the belligerents who started the current iteration of this thing don’t pass go. All or nothing thinking is what makes them so dangerous.

The occupation of the American government by AIPAC and its fascista corporate propaganda monolith must go, if humanity on earth is to survive and thrive in modern times; such optimistic goals are not achieved by splitting hydrogen atoms.

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Netanyahoo fear can be summed up with the Balfour Decl: "Dear Lord Rothschild [and Black Nobility overlords alike]," The Jew-ish mafia alone must be darker than dark.

I think they are working out how to make 5G/6G a viable replacement for nukes. DEWs can pretty well simulate radiation burns and microwave weapons are shown to equate to a lot of COVID symptoms. It may never have existed as claimed just as you said viruses aren't as claimed. The vax does deliver nano materials that no doubt aid transmitting signals for the Internet of Bodies, chemtrails too. That may be what it's all for.

They hide in DUMBs (how appropriate), drop more conventional weapons, make it look like nukes, then Groundhog Day -- the evil inbred freaks. I guess mutant adrenochrome vampires would still be real, sadly. They still need some of us.

God saw this coming anyway, whatever they do.

Revelation 6:15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:

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What did France puppet Macron hint at when he said in May 2020.....I believe that our generation should know that the Beast of the Event is here, it is coming, whether it is terrorism, this great pandemic or other shocks. You have to fight when it arrives with what it has that is deeply unexpected, implacable.....

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