Kamala ironically likes Caesar on her word salad.

The last thing the infamous 'they' will own up to is that the aliens were here all along. We see them in the sky, ergo they came from another planet. Cry "extraterrestrial" long enough and we'll eventually believe it. The underworld is a lot more likely. This is part of why I believe that:

The Enki/Enlil creation story is a lot like the SoCal indian tribes' version. Two brothers. One creates humans, the other doesn't approve of the fact of us so creates his own and ends up taking them to the underworld. The Hopi claimed the ant people, or whatever bugs they are, took them underground to save them from one of the Cycle cataclysms? I'm sure there are tons of examples like that usually revolving around the underworld. The Bible sorts it out correctly for me, but basically the same story. That would technically make the aliens demons. Some think the 'bugs' are the fallen angels but I don't agree.

Why would they be nice to us even some of the time, warning us not to kill ourselves, unlike a lot of abduction reports to the contrary? The same reason you're nice to your farm animals, except we're not food in a physical sense. More like Stephen King's Tommyknockers or The Matrix. That's why ritual sacrifice is still a thing in occult circles, or constant war, or anything where blood is spilled and a lot of screaming happens. Or why there are still Luciferians (Satanists) who seem to know a lot more about these kinds of things than Christians or others. Like some call us "goyim", they're tending someone else's farm IMO.

Whatever they're doing, whatever the reason, it comes down to knowing they'll never be anything other than an abomination before God, unloved and jealous of the fact of our being His children. They'll do whatever they can to keep us from Him. I'd say it's why the world is built on so many lies and half-truths, esp. about "aliens". There's even a whole school of thought about meeting THEM when we die and our spirit carries on, telling people not to go into the light. Scary thought!

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I am reminded of an old Twilight Zone episode wherein the aliens convince the people they are benevolent and agree to take a few on a spaceship ride - only to find out that the menu item for the trip is - humans.

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I'd have to say where aliens are in it the one that really stuck with me was a newer one where a guy was institutionalized and finds out at the end that all the "caregivers" are greys.

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The Roswell craft had analogue computer technology. Here is an answer I got from genie (a form of ChatGPT), having asked it about quantum computing:

Quantum computers are actually more akin to digital computers than to analogue computers like those from the Roswell incident in 1947. Digital computers, including quantum computers, process data using discrete values or bits (in the case of classical computers) or quantum bits (qubits) in the case of quantum computers. Analogue computers, on the other hand, process data using continuously varying physical quantities. Quantum computers operate based on the principles of quantum mechanics, utilizing superposition and entanglement to perform calculations in a fundamentally different way than classical computers.

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The Elohim are not kind aliens, they are depraved, perverted, sadistic beings.

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