
the hippes turned rogue and the flower children turned green

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oops. deleted my comment above that you were kind enough to reply to.

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I was reading a very interesting article last week about a man whose grandfather was very deeply embedded within the intelligence community back at the turn of the century. He was one of those men who loved his government & who stayed tight lipped long after his retirement even when pressed by his grandson for more info on important topics. While on his deathbed & after never giving up even the smallest detail to anyone regarding anything that was “classified” or top secret, the grandson who was at his bedside asked him one final time if he could please divulge any info to him about his decades working within the government. The dying man simply said, “All I can tell you is that IT'S ALL ABOUT VENEZUELA”.

What a cryptic statement! If only the granddad had been more forthcoming, but he felt such a duty to his country that this was all that the grandson was left with. Upon seeing your post the old man’s statement immediately came to mind so thought I'd share.

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Interesting!!! My dad was the same - never said anything about anything including his time at Roswell - it was old school loyalty.

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