Thanks I will re edit

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The part that looks ridiculous is the protesters carry mostly EU, US, and Ukraine flags. For a group that want's the best for Georgia one would think they would all be waving their own flag.

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There was an item on RT news from Tbilisi at the demonstrations and they interviewed a group holding a huge banner in English; turns out they were Italian giving support, etc. Further investigation showed the 'freedom or whatever' group they were from in Italy is sponsored by Soros.

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Of course - NED initiates the coups at the encouragement of the Atlantic council. Soros pays the actors, provides the plaques and banners and trains them -

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I doubt it is AI as it has been the same in all the countries where the West's favourite party/candidate loses for decades. Maybe it is like paid advertising - they are just waving the flag of their sponsor?

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I hope they are not hit by the weather war fare the southern states were just attacked with, or what we in California are suffering with none ending droughts and fires.

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FIRES in California and Canada are 95%+ arson. My son worked for a UK based drone company that got the Pg&e contract to use drone flyovers to identify any small fires or downed poles… ARSON

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Yep, A Klamath tribes woman friend in Oregon was going into the mountains to visit a friend early in the day they had the massive fires break out some years ago. Her story, which I asked her to record, I listened to her for 20 minutes straight. She basically shared the following with much more elaboration: As she started up the into the mountains she saw fires bursting out across a number of ridges miles apart simultaneously. Then she came upon a large group of white fema trucks. She drove on and came upon a fema truck with fema guy talking to a guy next to the guy's van that had propane tanks on it, and he was saying he was told to set his van on fire.

She went back down the mountain as the fires were getting larger, and she was the only one at the bottom of the mountain road directing people away from going up the mountain where she had just been.

Another fire Story - Armstrong Woods Fire in Guerneville CA a few years ago. A few years following that fire I was in a store and over heard a guy who lived up by where this fire started and he was telling woman about how he saved and found his animals afterwards. When he was done telling his story and they parted ways, I went to him and ask if he thought the fire was started. His reply was this, I do not tell people about what I saw as I do not like to be called crazy and conspiracy weirdo, he then said what he saw. The sky was very over cast so he could not see what was above, what I would say was the chem cloud cover, but what he did see was, what look like a lighting strike coming down in the exact same place over and over and over until the fire was good and started.

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Canada is far worse in the fire devastation from what the maps show and the chemtrails seem concentrated in northern Canada and UK according to personal responses sent to me

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This would support the elimination of the classically conservative rural folks . Phae 2 after eliminating the useless and old via the pandemic. That means phase 3 is next-

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And phase 3 can have a very different outcome than those attempting to control us have in mind. 😊

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Lets not forget the on purpose burning of the Amazon that the Amazon tribes working with the organization Amazon Watch to stop for sometime now. Regardless of what is worse, planet earth is the habitat for all of the many species including us humans and this intentional destruction needs to stop now.

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Destroying earth …. now who could be so heinous, so evil, so insidious as to make that their entire purpose? You know the answer. His minions are many.

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I appreciate your perspective: I think there are several typos in the article. at STALE ?

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