The source needs to be educated including cdc nih Stanford medical subsidies etc. pharma needs them to exist. Pharmas power comes fro the government not from itself. Pour some water on them and watch them melt like the wicked witch of the west
WEF, Inversion, Fraud, 4th Turning, more Fraud, Lies, Cheating, more Lies, Hopium for a Savior, No Clue, Cognitive Dissonance, Dark Projects, Ultra Dark Projects, up to 20 Trillion gone to fund humanities demise. To name a few.
Money is the issue. Defunding is the best cure. It would unleash a depression, but that is better than a dumpster fire with the enemy here killing us. Imagine revenge from the jihadist that lost his wife and kids from the military terrorizing mid east since W one! Hell to pay in our front yards. Mark my words…
There are two ginormous IF's right now - IF the FDA demands cattle, pig, and chicken farmers cull their livestock for Bird Flu and they comply - we are dead. IF they unleash a Pandemic - we will have a Revolution.
Yes this is getting real and personal! Our food and a way of life for generations.
Ms Nickson has done the research which I would imagine you are aware of.
I am wondering where the breaking point is!? It is an orchestrated takedown of good living as it evolved under the right of freedom and good market based economics. Everything is becoming so manipulated and;
It is being perverted by programmed government wonks. They know not what they do. Mind washed for a paycheck. Very scary if not pushed back against.
They single people out over some environmental rule or law and use the threat of law fare to takedown good citizens not breaking common sense living. These people are some of the best stewards of the land!
This bird flu bullshit must be snuffed from the get go.
You're right! The billionaires are destroying the country. And there is no end in sight. The economic warfare against whites is structured towards. slavery and genocide. FlexSolar 40W vs. BigBlue 28W: Which Solar Charger is Best for Your Outdoor Adventures?
The source needs to be educated including cdc nih Stanford medical subsidies etc. pharma needs them to exist. Pharmas power comes fro the government not from itself. Pour some water on them and watch them melt like the wicked witch of the west
Pun intended
WEF, Inversion, Fraud, 4th Turning, more Fraud, Lies, Cheating, more Lies, Hopium for a Savior, No Clue, Cognitive Dissonance, Dark Projects, Ultra Dark Projects, up to 20 Trillion gone to fund humanities demise. To name a few.
Money is the issue. Defunding is the best cure. It would unleash a depression, but that is better than a dumpster fire with the enemy here killing us. Imagine revenge from the jihadist that lost his wife and kids from the military terrorizing mid east since W one! Hell to pay in our front yards. Mark my words…
There are two ginormous IF's right now - IF the FDA demands cattle, pig, and chicken farmers cull their livestock for Bird Flu and they comply - we are dead. IF they unleash a Pandemic - we will have a Revolution.
Yes this is getting real and personal! Our food and a way of life for generations.
Ms Nickson has done the research which I would imagine you are aware of.
I am wondering where the breaking point is!? It is an orchestrated takedown of good living as it evolved under the right of freedom and good market based economics. Everything is becoming so manipulated and;
It is being perverted by programmed government wonks. They know not what they do. Mind washed for a paycheck. Very scary if not pushed back against.
They single people out over some environmental rule or law and use the threat of law fare to takedown good citizens not breaking common sense living. These people are some of the best stewards of the land!
This bird flu bullshit must be snuffed from the get go.
If people fall for this again we are fuked.
You're right! The billionaires are destroying the country. And there is no end in sight. The economic warfare against whites is structured towards. slavery and genocide. FlexSolar 40W vs. BigBlue 28W: Which Solar Charger is Best for Your Outdoor Adventures?