It matters not a whit who "wins;" i.e., is "installed" in the WH; we will still get the same government we're suffering with, endless war, deficit spending, unlimited immigration, etc. SSDD. Only when people realize that the only votes that count are the ones being counted by the "right" people, whether the votes are there, or not, will we understand the sham that is our (s)election show.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

As with the 2020 Election this debate is rigged for Biden to win. Trump will be made to look like a fool; no referenced to J6 and a number of topics have been stricken, but bet they have not stricken any of the dirt on Trump from the talking list. There is not another politician as dirty as Biden, at least one that has been exposed. I plan to watch RFKJ - TheRealDebate.com and see how he answers the same questions- and for a short while, I will toggle back and forth to see the dog and pony show

Correction - dirtiest politician next to Biden is Hillary & Bill Clinton, B Obama...goodness when you go down this rat hole you need to stop and list nearly every President since Andrew Jackson...

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Certainly every president since 1963.

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"The Gods of Money:..." by F William Engdahl, cc 2009; finished Engdahl's book which made numerous references to "Americas 60 Families", written 1936, Ferdinand Lundberg, which I found in my personal library, and the "money trust" goes way back and add in the new tech crowd, we have a de facto, invisible, shadow government... these are the people who buy presidents, bureaucrats, Congressmen, Supreme Court Judges... and on and on...

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At least Trump already has his IMDB page for the act. I keep waiting for the others, and the crisis actors. I think it's only fair. But somewhere there's a little bearded proboscoid lizard guy hunched over and grinning, wringing his claws over all of this. And it's not a mask! 🧟‍♂️

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